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    Advice needed from the gurus on here regarding

    Hi Brett Knowing you I am sure that you are only a snob/elitist in this area, much like me.  Am I assuming correctly that I can just use a normal RCA then to connect the digital output and input? Alastair
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    Advice needed from the gurus on here regarding

    Hi George Thanks for the advice but please excuse my ignorance again.  What are the "digital out" connection options?  I have only ever use RCA's as that was the best option in my set up.  Also, am I right in saying that going the digital out route is so that he can hear the Anthem's DAC rather...
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    Advice needed from the gurus on here regarding

    Hi guys So apparently he was using RCA's both connecting the Oppo to the Anthem and then again connecting the Onkyo to the Anthem.  This means he was using the DACs in the blu ray players and never the Anthem's DAC, right?  If so, what is the recommendation? Alastair
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    Advice needed from the gurus on here regarding

    Hi guys Thanks for the feedback and advice.  Seems I have some homework to do before reverting back here. Alastair
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    Advice needed from the gurus on here regarding

    Hi George Excuse the ignorance.  Please remind me what the difference is between a CDP (cd player?) and a transport.  stereosane - he definitely was not using an external dac - just the Oppo into the Anthem into the Paradigms. Alastair
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    Advice needed from the gurus on here regarding

    Hi all My neighbour has a very nice set up.Paradigm Reference Studio series - Studio 100 v.5 floor standers being driven by an Anthem MRX 700.  While I am not familiar with thes particulat pieces of equipment myself, I thought Id do some online research.  It seems that Anthem is a musical and...
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    HD600 sprung back to life with a kiss of youth? A great fix.

    I agree.  I also now really feel like some sushi.  ;D Alastair
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    Munich High End Show cancelled

    100% agree with this. 6 Brits die in the 90's from Mad Cow and the world goes mad.  11 000 Africans die and the world barely pays any attention until it spreads to Europe and the US. Then suddenly mass action and later that same year a vaccine is already out that turns the kills almost 100% of...
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    Munich High End Show cancelled

    Hi all I am a bit perplexed by the response to Corona virus. Are you aware that 8500 people died in the DRC in the last year from 2 other communicable diseases, just as an example?  That's 8500 already dead and buried, not sick or showing symptoms, with a less than 2% mortality rate, but dead...
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    Rotel vs Marantz

    Do we get banned from the Forum if we use a combo of Marantz Processor and Rotel power amps?  Asking for a friend.  :D Alastair
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    Test drive Sennheiser HD660s headphones

    Hi all The recent Drop on the HD6xx cost about R3500 but I was fortunate to have someone bring them back from the US for me so no shipping.  My understanding is that the HD6xx is the same as the HD650 but with a shorter cable and a different colour.  Not sure of the relationship between these...
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    Looking to borrow a region 1 blu ray in Centurion/Midrand

    Hi Mods Please close this thread. WGS kindly helped me out. I do love the helpfulness and kindness of this forums members. Alastair
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    Looking to borrow a region 1 blu ray in Centurion/Midrand

    Hi Steerpike and Windshear Thanks for the feedback.  You are both right and it confirms my suspicion that the device is locked into blu ray region 1.  I had an Oppo (that I actually bought from you Windshear ;D) so I am familiar with how those worked.  I am just trying to find a definitely...
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    Looking to borrow a region 1 blu ray in Centurion/Midrand

    Hi all I have a big favour to ask. I?m having a weird issue with my Cambridge Audio 752 BD which is playing most region 2 blu rays (which it should as it?s a region 2 player) but not some of my other region 2 blu rays (it tells me that the player is set to another region). I bought it 2nd hand...
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    Any Sennhesier HD600 Black Friday specials out there?

    Hi all For anyone who is interested, Massdrop have the Sennheiser Hd 6XX with free premium earpads for $180.  I'm not sure if the free earpads is a good deal or not or even which ones you should go for.  Sadly, still out of my reach but hopefully helps someone else out there.  Alastair
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    Any Sennhesier HD600 Black Friday specials out there?

    Hi all I've been looking for a pair of Sennhesier HD 600's for a while now but cannot afford them at present.  If you spot any Balck Friday specials on these, please can you give me a heads up pm? Thanks in advance Alastair
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    Cambridge Audio752BD region B blu ray player that wont play region B blu rays?

    Hi all Some advice please.  Having recently replaced my dead Oppo BDP 95 with a Cambridge Audio Azur 752BD I was expecting that i would no longer be able to play the Region A blu rays that the Oppo could with its ability to switch between regions.  What I was not expecting was that some of my...
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    Oppo BDP 95 vs Cambridge Audio Azur 752BD

    Hi all Does anyone on here have any experience in temrs of direct comparisons between these 2 seemingly very simliar units?  My Oppo 95 has recently died and I was hoping to upgrade to a 105 or maybe even a 205.  Yes I do use the multichannel inputs but have never used the balanced inuts on the...
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    Can anyone help me repair my damaged Klipsch X11i in ear earphones?

    Hi Jason Apologies for the delay in response.  The short week meant I got a bit swamped at work.  To answer your question, the encapsulating body is more of a soft rubber than solid.  Having said that, while that part is damaged I dont think it needs to be replaced if the cable joint can be...