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  1. Nidri


    Has anyone successfully bought anything from this website: Looking at SSDs and their prices seem very good, for example: They do seem to have...
  2. Nidri

    triode/thermionic vacuum tube/valve shelf life?

    Presumably the plastic/micanol/metal base and the metallic pins can age/degrade/corrode over time, but afaik the important bits inside are protected from aging by the vacuum itself. And since it's hard to determine the exact age or 'wear' of the valve afaik, I wouldn't say that the shelf life...
  3. Nidri

    Van den Hul Jubilee

    What is so special about the Jubilee? I often see people looking for this cable. FWIW I really like VdH - I use their First interconnects. So not anti-cable.
  4. Nidri

    Brennan jb7i

    British-designed all-in one type players. JB7i is an older model. Imho the newer B2 or better yet B3 would be the ones to look for. Afaik the UK magazine always seemed to like them. TBH I'd actually rather go for the little Denon...
  5. Nidri

    Using components that are listed for sale

    Not a particularly big issue one way or another, but I was curious about what the general consensus is. Part of me thinks that if you put something up for sale, you're selling it in its current condition, and you shouldn't put any more wear on it. Then again, another part of me recognises that...
  6. Nidri

    New Restoration Project - Radford K25 valve monoblocks

    Epic restoration thread followed by an all-out bidding war, haha.
  7. Nidri

    what is the rarest valve/vacuum tube?

    Not the rarest, but perhaps one of the most highly prized, would be NOS Western Electric 300B. Best part is you can use them to make music.
  8. Nidri

    Aurender/Lumin (maybe Auralic) owners and users please chime in

    You have nice friends Chris.
  9. Nidri

    Valve Audio Predator - Speaker Pairing

    FWIW, the most synergistic combo I've ever heard with the Predator was with the tiny Spendor SA-1 speakers (the 2008 model). This was at Evan's house (Rotten Johnny), many years ago. I bought those Spendors from him at the time and then used them on my own Predator. (He bought them back from me...
  10. Nidri

    Valve Audio Predator - Speaker Pairing

    Let's lower the temperature a little.
  11. Nidri

    Decware SE84UFO in Wilderness.....

    Please share some pictures Allan. Would love to see your new baby.
  12. Nidri

    Manufacturer threatens lawsuit over negative review - DCS

    Companies called DCS like to sue it seems.
  13. Nidri

    Manufacturer threatens lawsuit over negative review - DCS

    I suppose there are three sides to every story.
  14. Nidri

    Manufacturer threatens lawsuit over negative review - DCS

    Manufacturers underestimate the amount of negative publicity this kind of thing generates. Big companies threatening audio reviewers is not a good look for them. It show more character to actually listen to these less than stellar reviews.
  15. Nidri

    Your Biggest Jaw Dropping experience in Audio

    The first time I heard a pair of ProAc Tablettes. About thirty years ago, give or take. Will never forget that experience, didn't know such things were possible in audio reproduction. Hosted by the de Villiers brothers in Paarl, who are on this forum.
  16. Nidri

    Linn collaboration

    Seems like mostly cosmetic tweaks tbh. Linn definitely wants to move (even more) upmarket though:
  17. Nidri

    R1 million for Landcruiser 76

  18. Nidri

    Low powered valve amplifier

    I have a magical little EL84 amp that Willem from Tubephonic built for me. (@valvesound) Lundahl OPTs, TKD volume pot, Miflex caps and other high quality parts. Sounds really good with Spendor, Triangle, etc. speakers.
  19. Nidri

    Your favourite cd player ?

    Wadias can be very good, yes. But the 557 is such a pleasure to own and use, I regret selling mine. Enjoy it for the legend that it is.
  20. Nidri has gone live

    I think Jeff Bezos is rich enough, I won't be using this (or Temu). I prefer that Takealot screws me over the old-fashioned, South African way.