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  1. N

    Fine tuning advice

    :thinking:  I'm looking for some advice about fine tuning my audio setup.  I've recently made the decision to go dedicated 2 channel, instead of trying to convince myself that my AV setup actually delivered good sound quality.  So I now have the following: Breeze Audio DAC - Aragon 18K Preamp -...
  2. N

    Boekenhoutskloof Chocolate Block

    Boekenhoutskloof Chocolate Block Perhaps one of the most well-known of South African red wines, Boekenhoutskloof?s Chocolate Block (also called THE Chocolate Block), is extremely distinctive. It is particularly favoured by people who enjoy the unusual or the unexpected in their red wines as with...
  3. N

    Driver retrofit on vintage Pioneer SE255's

    ...and serial number indicates its a MKIII.... who knows - its all in the sound I guess....  Revox system still in the workshop getting a makeover, but in the meantime I'm on the look-out for good matching speakers.  And sommer tussen in, also bringing in new tapes from States next month - damn...
  4. N

    Driver retrofit on vintage Pioneer SE255's

    Hope these pics come thru: <iframe width="480" height="360" src=""></iframe>
  5. N

    Driver retrofit on vintage Pioneer SE255's

    Will try and post some pics later.  They were old K141's and typical of studio headphones, deliver a very nice flat response - no overpowering bass, no overly bright upper end - just great detail. The drivers on the old AKG's clip into a plastic swivel cradle (on which the ear pads are mounted)...
  6. N

    Driver retrofit on vintage Pioneer SE255's

    I recently acquired a mint set of Pioneer SE255's - those BIG white ones with the shiny volume knobs on each ear cone;  to go with my vintage Revox setup.  Went purely on looks and was terribly disappointed with the sound - lack of low frequencies...dull. Being a complete newb, I went googling...