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  1. L

    Lithium batteries for alarm special

    I bought 6 of the Securi-Prod batteries on the special as per OP above. (same battery as I got from Loadshedbuddy). I did some tests on them: They all weigh within a gram or 5 of each other. Among the 6 the lowest & highest capacity tests came to 66.43Wh & 71.81Wh (8% variance max) I...
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    Recommendations on mini UPS to keep WiFi on

    Hello All, I bought a Lithium Alarm battery from (Thor on the forum) and ran a few capacity tests between it and other 12V 7Ah SLA alarm batteries I have around. All the tests were the same, from full (as per the same charger), down to 11.0V. (I chose 11V...
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    Recommendations on mini UPS to keep WiFi on

    Thanks Fldsys & Chrisc, This looks very promising. You have already answered some of my questions, but here are a few more, mostly just thinking aloud: 1) Where do I get a 12.8V 7+ Ah lithium drop-in replacement for a standard alarm battery? 2) will the Alarm / my other power supplies be...
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    Recommendations on mini UPS to keep WiFi on

    Thanks Fldsys. Yes you can buy it without battery! : Securi Prod Backup Power Supply 13.6VDC 3Amp – IOTREND It was a R220 difference if I remember, which is not bad for the battery, so I went for the battery included option. But let me ask: What do you gain with a 12.8V 7Ah lithium...
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    Recommendations on mini UPS to keep WiFi on

    Can I play devil's advocate? I have two of those little 8800mAh mini-UPS for my router & the box where the fibre comes in (because they are not next to each other, and to double capacity). Works great, plug & play replacement for original power supply. The fibre entry box uses little power so...
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    iMac go slow

    First find out who/how you're going to upgrade the HDD to SSD. I bought my son a 2013 iMac i5 for a good price, but it broke some time ago. First I took it to "Experimac", which was a disaster, but the one guy told me where they send their repair work to, so I contacted them directly...
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    iMac go slow

    P.S. if you check out the Apple O/S version support for their hardware table as on Wiki: , then you see that a 7 years old Mac just about falls off the bus in terms of Upgrades. Doesn't have to be a problem, but slowly certain...
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    iMac go slow

    Did this happen fairly suddenly, like e.g. after an OS update? Please refer to my post (Advice & Opinion on Apple Macbook Air) on my 2014 Macbook Air which became unbearingly slow after upgrading to Big Sur (which was the one optimized for their new M1 hardware). In the process they crippled...
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    FNB Trust - Leaving to my kids

    Trusts serve 2 main purposes: 1) Asset protection against creditors (compartmentalisation) - great if you do something risky like a business in your own name 2) estate duty planning - who wants to pay 3.5% executors fee (plus VAT) & have to liquidate assets just to cover the death taxes &...
  10. L

    Is it just me? - Forum message notifications

    Hello, I get email notifications of replies to topics I've subscribed to, etc However when someone sends me a Message via the forum, I don't get notification. Only when I am on the forum again do I see I have unread messages. I can't see a setting for this, what must I do? / Is there a...
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    Advice & Opinion on Apple Macbook Air

    Hi All, Just some feedback:  I decided to go for the 16Gig upgrade. Was expensive & I had to wait 6 weeks for a "special built to order import" I must say I love this machine.  I assumed it would use maybe 6Gig RAM in the beginning (since I did the same things in 4Gig previously, just with...
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    Advice & Opinion on Apple Macbook Air

    Thanks All, I am on the brink of just ordering the 16Gig model and be done with it.  Then in 5/6 years I will report here whether it was a good or bad decision  ;) I know Apple's OS is memory efficient, that's how my Air got by on 4Gig till now, while my much younger work laptop 16Gig / i7 /...
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    Advice & Opinion on Apple Macbook Air

    Thanks , RRankin , I'm also leaning towards just getting the 16Gb at the moment.  At 25% more expensive I guess the question should be - would I get 25% more usable lifespan?  e.g will 6 years become at least 7.5?  If so it was worth it, else not so much.  (keeping in mind that battery will...
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    Construction before transfer

    I agree.  Rather let the buyer just push his process to go faster. Typically the purchase contract will not make detail provision for what should happen if such a scenario goes wrong, and it would be too late to look for clauses that can help then. Typical rental contracts say that any...
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    Advice & Opinion on Apple Macbook Air

    Hi All, I love my 2014 Apple Macbook Air (rare 11").  Unfortunately after the last upgrade (Big Sur) it is running out of steam. Big Fat Sur definitely eats much more resources and battery life than it's predecessor. I tried to "downgrade" the OS but even with usable backups, it refuses. Mine...
  16. L

    Who is the best / easiest to use / most economical courier company in SA?

    Thank you, I will check them out. Regards Leon
  17. L

    Who is the best / easiest to use / most economical courier company in SA?

    Hello, I have a fascination with Couriers, because the business & logistics can be so complicated (if you want to be better than average).  And it is one of the few physical businesses that keep growing in these modern times But now I actually need a good one that is easy to deal with. E.g...
  18. L

    want to build a Standalone Music Player jukebox thing

    Thanks all for the advice & recommendations. I will read up on all of it.  E.g. I just saw that foobar is available for Mac, it might be less developed than the Windows version. Also I am not married to the Mac, could just as easily use a small footprint Windows machine.  The idea is to spend...
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    want to build a Standalone Music Player jukebox thing

    Hi, I need some advice, or pointers as to where to go and read up. I have an idea of what I want in my head, but good suggestions might change the plan altogether  (I have my requirements, how to is very debatable). That is why I lay out my complete plan here.  In theory if I get the perfect...
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    LF: Someone to test drive an Audi A3 in Bruma/Jhb, near Eastgate Mall
