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  1. Skylark

    Nightmare tenant : The End

    Isn't the tenant supposed to provide the court evidence of their poverty and/or proof they are actively seeking alternative accommodation? I'd think you need to seek the "alternative" measures to get her out as soon as possible because she's milking this no evictions during lockdown thing for...
  2. Skylark

    Nightmare tenant : The End

    I can only think having tenants sharing the property if it is legal is the only sane way forward. If I was Dolby I would move in myself and make things are uncomfortable as possible, use your imagination, it'll be easy. You have viable legal reason as you mentioned your current home has...
  3. Skylark

    Nightmare tenant : The End

    This is probably why I have heard of people that know better offering difficult tenants R20k to leave immediately and writing off unpaid rentals as the easiest way out. What a gigantic and difficult pill to swallow but clearly the wisest method. I suppose that confirms that utmost diligence and...
  4. Skylark

    Audio streamer, no DAC necessary, Tidal as source.

    Can you control the tidal app on the Xiaomi remotely with your phone?
  5. Skylark

    Audio streamer, no DAC necessary, Tidal as source.

    Does the Xiaomi not transcode all audio streams to one bitrate as per my earlier post about my experience with the very similar Lit Box?
  6. Skylark

    Audio streamer, no DAC necessary, Tidal as source.

    I used a Lit box which is very close to the Mi Box S and the optical output was not bit perfect(what comes in goes out), it's seems it re-encodes everything to one bit rate.
  7. Skylark

    Apple Accidentally Leaks Surprise New AirPods Design

    Only $549 (US)! If you were mugged whilst out with your top end Apple phone and these headphones you'd probably be near R40k out of pocket..
  8. Skylark

    Hiking tent

    They make very decent stuff for the money, Kway as well
  9. Skylark

    Medical Scans and if it's Covered ?

    Just about any scan is covered if you are admitted to hospital and they are done during your stay. Some policies will even cover a few out patient scans and likewise gap cover. That's the challenge with medical aid, they'll cover huge figures once you are in a hospital bed but to get to the...
  10. Skylark

    Trompies Terrifically Terrifying Piri-Piri Sauce

    Looks tantalizing, homemade sauces always taste better.
  11. Skylark

    Bluetooth to Spdif converter

    One For All make a Bluetooth adaptor that has spdif output and RCA, supports high res and aptx and gets good reviews. I think it's the 1820 model and sells for around R1000. I have the older 1810 and it works really well.
  12. Skylark

    1953 Colchester Student Mk1 6" gap bed - A restoration project

    The sticky 2k clear will eventually dry, try leaving it in the sun, I wouldn't bother going to all the effort of stripping it off. I've never heard of thinners so bad that it prevents paint hardening, especially not if it came in a sealed branded bottle, hardner can do that though.
  13. Skylark

    New car buying advice needed.

    Can you explain how your CC debit is linked to your vehicle debit? There's no free lunch so the new car is going to cost you a whole lot more than your current vehicle, however you package it.
  14. Skylark

    Your rig

    I've noticed people mentioning that about Dp, why is that the case, I thought Hdmi and Dp were identical just a different form factor? Sent from my SM-T825 using Tapatalk
  15. Skylark

    Amazon is confusing me

    When they swopped out my kindle the replacement was sent first with a prepaid return DHL packet. I popped the old one in the packet, called DHL who collected it and that was that.
  16. Skylark

    Is there an Easy Fix for Noisy Volume Control

    I find switch gear cleaner is the best or Q20 works as well. Both are mild solvents that leave a light lubricant film behind. A while back I Googled using Q20/Wd40 on potentiometers and some say yay some say nay, from my experience a little squirt doesn't hurt and it generally works a charm.
  17. Skylark

    The Courier Guy

    I have handed a parcel to a TCG driver, full of fragile stickers and in front of me he threw it from the back all the way to the front of the load bin. It was very well packed so I just sighed and moved on but that's what you have to assume will happen. I personally wouldn't send valuable...
  18. Skylark

    The Courier Guy

    The only way to win with couriers is to package stuff so that if a bomb exploded next to them they would still be unscathed. If an item is stolen during transit they must provide a police case number or failing that then they must pay up. If they can't provide either then let them know you will...
  19. Skylark

    1953 Colchester Student Mk1 6" gap bed - A restoration project

    If you have a compressor and spray gun then automotive 2k paint must surely be the best bet for paint, the budget versions are cheap enough, can be matched to any colour, has amazing gloss and is incredibly durable. Rust oleum spray cans are convenient if you don't have equipment but it's more...
  20. Skylark


    So how does the combo sound? Sent from my SM-T825 using Tapatalk