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  1. Skylark

    Telkom discontinuing copper land line.

    When Telkom phones with the "bad news" and you want to keep your landline/adsl just ignore them until the copper lines in your area do in fact fail and are not repaired/replaced. Telkom is on a drive to migrate copper customers to alternatives like fibre and cellular products and they fear...
  2. Skylark

    ****ANNOUNCEMENT: Audioquest****

    What shenanigans did the previous importer get up to?
  3. Skylark

    1996 Honda Civic V-Tec

    Those models are very highly regarded, they were the start of the VTEC phenomenon.
  4. Skylark

    1996 Honda Civic V-Tec

    Valve stem seals?
  5. Skylark

    Any tips for cleaning packing tape glue off TT plastic?

    Yes that looks like it, they make 2 versions, water based and solvent and the solvent one is the correct one.
  6. Skylark

    Active speaker with Bluetooth

    Ordered it off eBay a few years ago, can't remember the model but it was around R80. All things considered it sounds remarkable, I use it to drive a set of studio mini monitors for near field use.
  7. Skylark

    Active speaker with Bluetooth

    Great concept and implementation, only thing I would change is to use an amp that will run off 5v so that your power needs can easily be taken care of by a USB battery bank or cellphone charger. I used a 5v powered digital amp and I can run it for days on a small USB battery bank.
  8. Skylark

    Any tips for cleaning packing tape glue off TT plastic?

    Spanyard engine cleaner , the red stuff , oil based version. Costs around R25 a bottle, nothing better for removing glue of any sort. A bottle lasts forever and is safe on just about any plastic including fragile clear plastics like polyesters which are notorious for reacting with even the...
  9. Skylark

    MOVED: Valve Pre-Amp Questions and Recommendation

    This topic has been moved to Valves/Tubes.
  10. Skylark

    How can I get that old school amplifer LOUDNESS effect with a parametric EQ?

    I also love them, I'm trying to get that "loudness" sound on an Alpine head unit that otherwise sounds a bit cold.
  11. Skylark

    Silent PSU for music PC

    Most is not all laptops have fans and they can get quite noisy if the laptop gets hot.
  12. Skylark

    Silent PSU for music PC

    Something like this may do the trick, it's like a laptop desktop, it uses a laptop type powersupply with no fans:
  13. Skylark

    The rise of Chinese innovation.

    The US is playing a stupid game, they are already getting cut out of the loop, Chinese brands have been upping the ante for a few years now and that process will be accelerated. Nevermind that most brands these days are US in name only, all the manufacturing and hence much of the know...
  14. Skylark

    How can I get that old school amplifer LOUDNESS effect with a parametric EQ?

    I really like the LOUDNESS effect that was especially popular on many old school Japanese amplifiers, does anyone know how I could mimic that effect with a parametric EQ? I've had a good look around on Google but can't find anything conclusive as to what bands I need to tweak in order to get...
  15. Skylark

    Our own Youtubers- The Audio Couple

    I haven't watched much of the guys content so some of those critisisms may have some truth to them but definitely local is lekker so some words/accent in afrikaans is great, it's the way they are brought across that matters not the words/accent themselves. Also YouTube is a busy place, some...
  16. Skylark

    Our own Youtubers- The Audio Couple

    They can use royalty free or public domain songs no problem in Youtube videos, there's actually a surprising amount available, just Google "royalty free public domain music".
  17. Skylark

    Quad 303 restoration

    Thanks, who sells it in Sa?
  18. Skylark

    Quad 303 restoration

    That sounds interesting, what is ceracote I've never heard of it before?
  19. Skylark

    Media player advice please

    Only R20k! Sent from my LG-H870 using Tapatalk