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  1. Skylark

    Question about a will

    DIY is fine but I think you need a witness when you sign it for it to be legally binding. Sent from my LG-H870 using Tapatalk
  2. Skylark

    iFi iPower Supplies

    How much are they?
  3. Skylark

    Can I get my scanner to work again

    Vuescan will do it.
  4. Skylark

    Unlocking a cellphone

    Take it to a Pakistani shop and ask them, tell them you are willing to pay whatever it costs. There are often dodgy tools and means to bypass the security on mobile devices, though on most flagship modern phones it's truly neigh impossible.
  5. Skylark

    Quad 33 restoration

    What a beauty!
  6. Skylark

    Quad 303 restoration

    You could possibly use Aramex Global Shopper service seeing they are small and light weight, will probably cost R200-300 landed to ship them here.
  7. Skylark

    iPod Classic repair/battery replacement

    Maybe Wefix can do them.
  8. Skylark

    Pic of the Day

    Not the bike you want to hit an oil spill with and see bouncing head to toe down the road in front of you. I remember how mad I used to get everytime I dropped my bike and had to replace the indicators :D
  9. Skylark

    Bluetooth and Audio quality

    The Amazon Echo devices have an analogue output and you can stream via BT to the output from your phone etc. They have incredible range as well, I can walk around the house and it virtually won't disconnect. I'd be interested to know what codec they support, maybe the latest Echo gen 3 supports...
  10. Skylark

    Does anyone here use Star Express for COD deliveries? Happy or Not - Poll

    Used them before, good prices and the Cod thing is handy.
  11. Skylark

    Technics Mania?

    Play some good tunes, dim the lights, watching those needles jump to and fro is bliss, almost like meditating. That is one stunning amp!
  12. Skylark

    Astell&Kern XB10 Bluetooth amp opinions and possible group buy.

    Can you charge it whilst using it? If so you could get around the battery life issue by powering it with a USB battery bank
  13. Skylark

    Decksavers or dust covers for Denon DJ VL12's

    Did Maizey make them?
  14. Skylark

    Quad 33 restoration

    The Stanley No 90 bullnose/rabbet plane? Would love one of those!
  15. Skylark

    Quad 303 restoration

    That's the paint mixing shops fault/poor show not BASF or whatever supplier they use, unless you went direct to BASF themselves to get the paint matched?
  16. Skylark

    If you've ever wondered what's inside a Vivid...Ouch!!

    That's why the pic in the op looks fake, anything made with an impregnated fibre cloth(carbon/aramide fibre or other) won't shatter like that.
  17. Skylark

    Phone rooting pro in Cape Town?

    Twrp is a custom recovery if I recall correctly, it's used to flash custom firmware and apps etc on the device itself, also has various Admin features.
  18. Skylark

    Phone rooting pro in Cape Town?

    What phones are they and why do you need them to be rooted?
  19. Skylark

    If you've ever wondered what's inside a Vivid...Ouch!!

    What are the cabinets made out of? I thought they were made with some kind of epoxy vacuum molded system and there must be some woven cloth used hence they wouldn't shatter like that and never from such a relatively small fall? Maybe it is a knock off speaker.
  20. Skylark

    Quad 303 restoration

    I must have missed it, what did they do?