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  1. Skylark

    Advice needed for troubleshooting a Wella Pyropen

    I have an old Wella Pyropen, butane gas powered portable mini soldering iron, very handy tool when you need to do a quick solder job. But the damn thing randomly stops working, it'll be fine for weeks/months and then one day I'll try using it and the gas will not want to flow or if it is its...
  2. Skylark

    DENAFRIPS DAC Are either of the 2 owners on this chat group?

    What the heck?! I'm assuming you are worried about losing your money - pay with PayPal, problem solved.
  3. Skylark

    Tinnitus sufferers - seems like there's light at the end of the tunnel

    This is the "cure". Most forms of tinnitus comes down to some kind of maladustment of the brain and learning to ignore it is the best and only solution. Typically tinnitus occurs after damage to the little hairs in the ear that detect sounds, that is then accompanied by the brain over...
  4. Skylark

    Any car experts here....need some advice

    Put the turbo on Gumtree as is, explaining the situation of what happened to it/why you are selling it, work out a fair price that would make it attractive to a buyer once the cost to rebuild it has been factored in. There'll always be someone that had a turbo that detonated and it can't be...
  5. Skylark


    Sharper video images?? Wtf.
  6. Skylark

    Google Chromecast Audio

    Very interesting, never knew that. Another option is a Android media/TV box, almost all have a spdif/optical out and they are more versatile. Most also support Chromecast, ie you can stream to them like a Chromecast device. The Xiaomi Mi Box is apparently very good, just over R1k and a...
  7. Skylark

    Best Friends and Pets

    What breed are the dogs with the moustaches? Similar looking dogs live down the road from me and they are so much fun, have a high pitched bark when they get exited.
  8. Skylark

    Is this Telkom offer any good?

    Other than it's a contract? The incl router is also probably a waste of time, I'm sure they have a 20GB offering for around R200/pm
  9. Skylark

    Fix bakkie or sell as is ?

    Definitely worth fixing but not at Nissan, they'll take you too the cleaners and probably still do a dodgy job. Brilliant condition, I'd find a reputable independent garage, probably just need a new head gasket and may even end up being under R5k to fix. That brake fluid looks like it hasn't...
  10. Skylark

    Distance learning Institution

    In terms of the value of the piece of paper that your degree is printed on all you have to keep in mind is if the institution offering the course is reputable and whether their degree is widely recognised both locally and internationally. For example unisa degrees appear to fit both of those...
  11. Skylark

    Mini monitors.

    Mission 760/i/iSE, awesome sounding little speakers and often go for under R1000. Very easy on the ears so great for nearfield monitors or computer speakers.
  12. Skylark

    Samsung QA65Q7FAM

    That's a good point I hate saying 'ok Google' or 'hey Google', it's like bowing to the dark lord each time you need to use the device. That point virtually rules the Google home out for me :-\ But with either of these devices can you manually activate them via a button press rather than the...
  13. Skylark

    Samsung QA65Q7FAM

    For home automation, what are the benefits or differences between Amazon Alexa or a Google home device? Can Alexa also run searches to get info or pull up info from sites like Wikipedia or is Google home better for those kinds of things?
  14. Skylark

    Good luck Adagio! It's Ironman 70.3 world champs next weekend!

    Good luck and enjoy every minute! Don't forget to post some pics!
  15. Skylark

    84 y.o. Pilot restoration

    Beautiful, I love it when ancient gear comes back to life, just as functional as the day it was made all those years ago.
  16. Skylark

    Wrote off my car - Looking for recommendations

    A clutch replacement won't be cheap though, easy R5-10k depending on where you have it done and if you use original parts.
  17. Skylark

    Member profiles and designation

    They are post count related and Junior Member = Under 50 posts and which means you can't post classifieds ads. The designations were adjusted slightly earlier today which is perhaps why you noticed it ;)
  18. Skylark

    eBay - eish!

    The minimum shipment cost for AGS is around R220 and you get charged duties + clearance fee if over R500?
  19. Skylark

    Can't post in open sales

    Sorry, should be sorted now, let me know if it's fixed.
  20. Skylark

    Personal messages

    Judy could you check the above again please, the upper case is how it should be now. Could a trader also check if they can lock their threads please. :mates: