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  1. lanties

    DELPHI in Schools?

    I do believe so. The best is to check with the teacher.
  2. lanties

    DELPHI in Schools?

    There is a free alternative to Delphi that is a fantastic software called Lazarus It is also Pascal based and 99.9% compatible with Delphi. The biggest advantage is that it is cross OS compatible. It is actively developed and in many instances superior to Delphi.
  3. lanties

    WAV vs FLAC Study

    Not sure if these links have been posted before but I wrote my own "raw" 100% working flac libraries, using Free Pascal, from these specifications I am not using any 3rd party software to do this. The reason behind this was to sort out meta data in my music...
  4. lanties

    WAV vs FLAC Study

    The results of this experiment are shown in Fig 4, and several conclusions can be gleaned from these data. First and foremost, removal of metadata alone eliminates the hyperbolic decline in sound quality, not only in WAV but also in FLAC format, when the memory playback feature of the JRMC...
  5. lanties

    Needledrops: suggestions re ADC and software.

    Jip - Was a setting that I cannot remember but it was straight forward. Found it on the net and save directly as a flac as well
  6. lanties

    Needledrops: suggestions re ADC and software.

    I have used Audacity before to do this and results were good. ADC was  Cakewalk UA-25ex by Roland. Had to make up special cables to do it. I am sure something like a Behringer fca610will also do it. Not sure if this is still the best way but it was straightforward...
  7. lanties

    The Games People Play ? Being a Really Great Female Athlete Just Got Harder

    A nutcase wrote that article. Here is the actual document from the IOC [snippet] 1) Transgender guidelines A. Since the 2003 Stockholm Consensus on Sex Reassignment in Sports, there has been a growing recognition of the...
  8. lanties

    What can we do? What are we gonna do? make SA better?

    As a white person my perception of what is wrong with the people of my country is from a privilege position.  I would much rather here from those who are not in a privilege position as to what is wrong and what I can do to help?
  9. lanties

    What can we do? What are we gonna do? make SA better?

    Tried to write a long suggestion and the more I wrote the more I realised :- We first need to agree on what is wrong or bad before we can make it better. What I believe is wrong may not agree with what you believe is wrong.
  10. lanties

    Speakers - Revelation Two ? Monitor MkII for DIY

    It has been almost two years since I have touched this project but with winter setting in I have decided to finish this project this winter. Last winter was miserable with some deaths in my family and I never got round to doing any projects. Even the wonderful gentleman who did the gloss finish...
  11. lanties

    Evetech - for laptops - recommended?

    Absolutely but as the saying goes... You can't argue with a 17 year old. Thank you all. This has given me enough confidence to order from them tomorrow.
  12. lanties

    Evetech - for laptops - recommended?

    He does not want a Macbook and you do not tell a 17 year old anything
  13. lanties

    Evetech - for laptops - recommended?

    Hi All, My son is looking at buying a new laptop for video editing and has a budget of R30K. There are some very good deals listed on They have some very poor reviews on hellopeter but I have also noticed that some formunites have dealt with them in the past. Any feelings or...
  14. lanties

    Youtube!! Links to Great Songs

    I love this
  15. lanties

    Squeezebox Touch emulator

    Looking very good. Thanks for sharing
  16. lanties

    Jenzen Illuminator build

  17. lanties

    MountainMan CNC build

    Looking fantastic as always. May I ask what bonding "agent" did you use for the aluminium?
  18. lanties

    mergerfs - pooling of disks in linux (JBOD)

    ... and compared to ZFS?
  19. lanties

    Valvesound Preamps

    That looks absolutely stunning!
  20. lanties

    Who are we???

    My rescue dog. Most wonderful personality ever.