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  1. lanties

    Help needed: ifi ZEN DAC v1 to v2 upgrade problems

    Must say I am not experiencing any of the issues with Tidal that some mentioned here. But then I am using it only trough Roon. I do not use any Tidal Apps. I do have it on my phone but just use it to download some music for when I am on the road. I stream Tidal music at least 9 hours a day in my...
  2. lanties

    Tidal streaming issues (desktop PC)

    No issues at the moment. Streaming through Roon
  3. lanties

    Streamer for DAC

    Many Android TV devices supports the Tidal APP.  It works well and could be very low cost.
  4. lanties

    Effects of SARS-CoV-2 on the environment

    One of my other hobbies is astrophotography. The sky is substantially clearer here in Cape Town
  5. lanties

    GECO AUDIO - vanguard power amp

    Absolutely stunning!
  6. lanties

    Thinking of a big ticket item- Act fast...

    I know everybody has become an overnight expert but I would like to share this very easy to read and very logical article. Unfortuantely a good 30 minute read but afterwards you should understand how severe this is. That the impact can be limited to weeks instead of months (with examples) what...
  7. lanties

    Epic Open Baffle build

    That is extremely neat. Well done
  8. lanties


    I had many but this one of my top back then. Joanna Lumley
  9. lanties

    Advice on cordless drill. Something proper.

    If it may still help someone. I have had a DeWalt DCD995 18V Cordless/Brushless with 4a/h batteries for a long time. Never had to replace the batteries. Batteries charges fast. I have never had to wait for a battery to be fully charge. I have build two houses with it. It drills trough concrete...
  10. lanties

    Local Audio Expo

    If at all possible,  I will be there.
  11. lanties

    Employer expectations

    Do not make a decision where you can lose everything. Simply do the photo shoot and use it to open the doors for renegotiating their view of your hobbies during your private time. In the mean time put out your feelers for something new or different. I understand your frustration but do not...
  12. lanties

    Local Audio Expo

    Is this not what Francois put together a few times? Great idea. Especially if it is somewhere in the winelands
  13. lanties

    Colon Cancer: It always someone else..

    I have not read the book but is this true, in your opinion, for babies and very young children with cancer as well?
  14. lanties

    Federer vs Nadal

    ^^ Please do. We need some audio friends with nice gear.
  15. lanties

    Federer vs Nadal

    Wife got 5 for the family. She queued grom early at computicket in Willowbridge. Split however. 2 in one block and 3 in another. Happy anyway.
  16. lanties

    GECO AUDIO - vanguard power amp

    ^^^Not to forget the time to source quality components, matching individual channel components one by one,  "throwing away" components that do not match etc.  There is endless unaccountable time and hidden costs in hand building quality audio equipment. The more experience you become the more...
  17. lanties

    Mission M33i repair and upgrade

    Excellent work and right-up.  Fantastic (specialised) tool that you used to remove the shelves inside the cabs. I can clearly see why it only took 15 seconds.
  18. lanties

    Windows 10 1903

    I upgraded and had issues with remote desktop. Apparently a known bug if you search it.  I was forced to roll back to 1803. Apparently Microsoft will fix it in a future release.
  19. lanties

    DIY Audio Innovations 800

    Very nice indeed
  20. lanties

    Pic of the Day

    ^^^Thank you. That specific version was taken with a mono Astrophotography camera using Hydrogen Alpha, Oxygen III and Sulfur II filters. Then mixed into RGB. The colours are however not real. It is the same with the Pillars of Creation that Ben has added. Obviously we amateurs can not compete...