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  1. lanties

    What plans are other Capetonians making for Day 0 ?

    The politics around water in the Western Cape is very simple. The ANC will not spend national government money where they are not in charge (can generate kick backs for their buddies). Clanwilliam dam is a perfect example of this. When the ANC was in control of Clanwilliam the raising of the dam...
  2. lanties

    Most Amazing local Turntable

    Absolutely stunning! An option to CNC the wooden base plinth sides from a solid piece of wood maybe an added bonus. Imagine that plinth out of something like solid birds-eye maple
  3. lanties

    Jojo or similar storage tank

    Just be aware that the 1000liter slimline tanks have a very small footprint for the height and requires thicker walls to support the height/width/weight ratios or at least that is how it was explained to me a very long time ago before there were shortages of tanks and water and that is why they...
  4. lanties

    Opensprinkler boards Round 2 Q & A

    I know I paid for one from the first round that I never collected. 100% my fault. I am still keen on one but would prefer one from the latest design. Happy to top up or pay in full again so please add me to the list.
  5. lanties

    Mesh WiFi recommendations?

    I do not know the difference between Amplify and Unify models but I have 2 of these (Ubiquiti UniFi Enterprise) in 900sqm house. One upstairs and one downstairs and they work exceptionally well. So my gut feeling is that one could work well for you. Combined with a Mikrotik router to your fibre...
  6. lanties


    JP Sears on Bitcoin -
  7. lanties

    What plans are other Capetonians making for Day 0 ?

    I have in place. 10K Liter tank that is filled with rain water. Only on Standby at this stage 1K tank that is taking all the grey (shower and bath) water. Using this to flush toilets. This is all automated and works well. 75K Swimming pool water on standby 4 x 5 liters of bottled drinking...
  8. lanties

    What exactly does DIY mean?

    There are more to labels than just calling it so. We all know that there is almost no resale value in DIY items relate to cost and actual hours committed. Yet many of the DIY items made on this forum out performs a lot of commercial products. It also often costs more to DIY than to buy second...
  9. lanties

    What exactly does DIY mean?

    I have placed this link before and I think it is extremely applicable to this question. Call this extreme DIY but ultimately it is the most beautiful hand crafted guitars made by a superior craftsman sold to customers who understand what they are getting...
  10. lanties

    What exactly does DIY mean?

    In my opinion. DIY -  if you do it for yourself. If you do it for someone else it is hand-crafted.
  11. lanties

    The problem with really big power amps...

    Oh my word this is going to be stunning!
  12. lanties

    ordering from Amazon

    As Wesrobb said and if they over charge you for import/VAT by any change they will refund you within a month or two. It is always small amounts but the system seems to work very well. You can order with absolute confidence providing you checked the voltage. Always make sure it is for SA.
  13. lanties

    Double review: Raspberry Pi based Allo DigiOne Transport and Allo Boss DAC

    It is an option to buy separate but then their are options where you can just get something that actually works without addons. BT is for a very specific requirement. My son is at varsity residence and he often would like to stream audio from his laptop or phone via Bluetooth to RPI connected...
  14. lanties

    Double review: Raspberry Pi based Allo DigiOne Transport and Allo Boss DAC

    Because from my experience the RPI 3 build in bluetooth and Wifi do not work well together.
  15. lanties

    Audio equipment prices in SA ... we're being smoked

    ^^^and I think that is exactly Rotten Jonny's point. If one specific distributor can sell good quality brands at competitive prices in SA then why not all other distributors. Simply because we're are being smoked by them. To me the biggest penalty for loving my country so much that I am happy to...
  16. lanties

    Audio equipment prices in SA ... we're being smoked

    Ordered a pair of binoculars from Amazon landed costs R1500. Cheapest I could find in SA R5500. Warranties in SA means nothing if it is not mass market products that can easily be replaced. Had an astrophotography CCD camera swapped out from Germany in 4 days. I could net even get the local...
  17. lanties

    Who dis guy??

    Local guy from Cape Town. I do not know him but just followed the links. Very pleasant to watch his project videos
  18. lanties


  19. lanties

    aluminum plate wanted

    Like Shonver said. The aluminium in your image does not need to be fabricated, bend etc. It is stock standard stuff (extruded angle aluminium). You can possibly even buy it from builders warehouse. All that needs to be done is to cut and drill it.
  20. lanties

    DIY Power Amplifier: PALADIN SM-150

    I was extremely fortunate to listen to Sean's system this morning. Wow, wow, wow! Simply the best DIY I have heard to date. First to Ian, congratulations on an incredibly superb power amplifier design. Quality and attention to detail beyond anything I have seen. ...but the true hero is Sean as...