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  1. lanties

    The long wait is over. Roon 1.3 was released.

    Finally managed to get to this today running in evaluation mode. Roon Server installed on Linux I5/8 130gb SSD. Roon Server installed on Win64 PC as remote control and Output (Output  SPDIF into Vivere) Additional Output devices: 3 x SBT - Stock standard as was running with LMS 3 x...
  2. lanties

    DIY Power Amplifier: PALADIN SM-150

    ^^^ Looking very neat. Cannot wait to listen to this one
  3. lanties

    The Sound of Silence - South African cover

    Thank you for the introduction. I thoroughly enjoyed. I will take note of their music from now on and  I will go and listen to them if they perform in Cape Town.
  4. lanties

    Introducing the amazing Compact Disc (1982)

    A video I stumbled upon. Not sure if it has been posted here before?
  5. lanties

    The long wait is over. Roon 1.3 was released.

    Thank you
  6. lanties

    The long wait is over. Roon 1.3 was released.

    Will finally get some time to look into Roon again in the next couple of weeks. What is the recommended OS. I would prefer to run headless unless it makes no sense to do so? Hardware recommendations will also be good. 8000 Albums and Tidal
  7. lanties


    No it can not. There is nothing worse than watching desperately ill people being misled by quacks who will take no responsibility for their "ill" advice.
  8. lanties


    Homeopathy, quackery and fraud Unfortunately, homeopathy can have surprising and dangerous side-effects. These have nothing to do directly with any particular homeopathic remedy, but rather they are an indirect result of what happens when homeopaths replace...
  9. lanties

    Sound proofing materials

    Speak to Flip Opperman 0827822922 He maybe will be able to help
  10. lanties

    2016 United Nations report - S A is the most corrupt country in the world

    Chris - although I share many of your sentiments I believe your potential source to be corrupt.
  11. lanties

    Spa for wife
  12. lanties

    Cheers Attie. We will miss you

    Geen totsiens. Ons gesels sommer een van die dae as julle eers weer gesettle is daar. W?reld is mos nie meer so groot nie. Intussen sterkte met alles maar ek is seker die logistieke is onder beheer
  13. lanties

    Which franchise ?

    With over 200 Post Office closing down I do believe there will be some great opportunities here. I would investigate Postnet and Mail Box Etc (MBE) opportunities.
  14. lanties

    Marantz MA6100 - Any news , reviews from personal experience

    Had three years ago driving the front of my HT system. Was a big mistake replacing them with an Arcam AVR300 at the time. Nothing wrong with the Arcam overall but just never delivered the same sound as the MA6100's in the HT setup
  15. lanties

    GECO AUDIO Vangaurd - Integrated power amplifier

    ^^^^Sorry - Could not resist. Not sure what drug this spider is on I actually like the look of the chassis more and more.
  16. lanties

    GECO AUDIO Vangaurd - Integrated power amplifier

    Tyd dat ek weer 'n draai kom maak
  17. lanties

    PALADIN Website & Articles

    Ian that is a gold mine of good information. Well done!
  18. lanties

    Maximising FLAC compression to minimise disk usage

    The only difference that you will experience from different compression levels , and this is all CPU dependent, is that instead of it taking say 5ms to start playing, a more compressed file may now take 30ms to start playing. What will be playing, will be exactly the same. By the way, extra...
  19. lanties

    Out of the loop for a while

    All of the best Rodney. I am convinced your hearing will improve after the opp and that you will most probably need less bass to keep the ticker going.