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  1. S

    Soundbar recommendations +-R13,000

    I have the The JBL Bar 5.1, with detachable speakers and my brother has the same without the detachable spears. Both are fantastic. In truth I never bother detaching, so next time will buy the all in one version. I think it sounds better than mine.
  2. S

    Solar inverter & audio

    I have been running my whole house of a Victron system for a few years (I am off the grid) and my Marantz amps and B&W speakers, TV etc., have had no problems at all. The pure sine wave they deliver is much cleaner than Eskom supplies in my area.
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    How to ship to USA?

    Will the equipment function properly at 60HZ? I have family in USA and they would be very interested to know if this works.
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    GPS with built in forward camera?

    Is there a car GPS navigator available in SA that also has a built-in camera that records the road as you travel? It would be great if it had a wireless rear camera as an option as well.
  5. S

    Todays the DAY!!!

    Congrats , cant live without the Mac. Has it noticeable performance improvement?
  6. S

    Anyone Able To Source New HPE MSA2050 Hard Drives?

    try they have branches in CT, Natal, JHB
  7. S

    Ubiquiti UniFi AP's and Apple Devices

    I had the same Ubiquiti network. I upgraded to the problems, amazing tech!
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    Starlink internet?

    Does anyone know when Elon Musk's Starlink internet will be available in SOuth Africa? Where I live there is no fiber and poor LTe.
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    Headset advice

    I also struggle with good headphones for my PC zoom chats etc. I have tried a few headphones but still have not found a better solution than my Logitech HD camera.
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    Maybe anti-social headphones...

    Background noise is frustrating. I do mental exercise , asking myself, "Is the sound coming to me or am I going to the sound?"
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    Does anyone know when the WH-1000XM5 will release in SA?

    Where is the cheapest place to purchase xm4?
  12. S

    Replacement ear pads for HD650's

    I bought some from Aliexpress. Was very cheap. I can not tell the difference