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  1. N

    Buying and selling cars privately

    Good luck cause there be dragons Just gone through the buying side of this and it was a nightmare. What started at 100k buying second hand ended up with buying new at 220k because the level of crap out there is insane. Having said that, we traded in a 10 year old Honda Accord that my lovely...
  2. N

    Cable Termination/Shrink Cover Options

    Your local Builders/Chamberlains should have varying sizes of heatshrink by Hellerman. Black, red and blue Just been through the same exercise with that exact same speaker wire...
  3. N

    Audi Q7 Head unit upgrade

    You also get standalone Android "HUs" that have 3.5mm output or radio transmitter To add. Some of the fancier Android HU's will have CANBUS integration so that aircon controls and other info would still work There are also UK companies that sideload Carplay/Android Auto onto the OEM Audi units
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    Yutaka Miso Paste from PnP

    Kokoro Market If you like Asian foods, a very dangerous place to visit
  5. N

    WIFI during power outages

    Mini DC UPS Went with this option and so far seems to be holding up well Also allows me to get rid of wall warts for 2 media players, network switch and WIFI AP
  6. N

    Portable cd player for car

    Intellidash Has a FM transmitter for cars without an AUX port
  7. N

    Shuoer S12 Planar IEM - Anyone got em?

    Had the Shuoer Tape Pro a while back. Was ok I guess, preferred Starfields and Thieaudio Legacy over them so they were promptly sold 7hz Timeless is on my list, possibly ordering next week
  8. N

    Gas vs. Induction Hobs

    Induction is all good and well when you have a consistent power supply Check with a gas installer. Ours put a blanking cover over the isolator over the stove and re-routed it under counter to an under counter cupboard. No new line needed to be chased into a wall
  9. N

    Hifiman Sundara setup

    That's a lot of Schiit How'd you get it here? Drop shipping?
  10. N

    HD820 cable replacement / upgrade

    If you looking at importing, look at the Hart Audio stuff
  11. N

    Refurbishing headband of a Monster Beats Pro

    If there is a pair of Brainwavz pads that fit, Amazon US ship most to SA directly
  12. N

    Replacement ear pads for HD650's

    MiTech. Did it for my old man's 580 last year, not a cheap exercise but they got a much needed lease on life Other options include ZMF or on the cheaper end, Brainwavz HM5 pads with the 650 adapter plates
  13. N


    So far not soo bad. Lots of older series/movies available as well The OTP login story is annoying AF
  14. N

    Headset advice

    Why not an HD webcam with dual mics paired with something like an XM3/4, Momentum etc
  15. N

    Home Affairs/Passport application

    This. So much this From what I understood you can only go through the bank you bank with. Also seeing people turned away by DHA staff at the FNB branch we were at
  16. N

    Home Affairs/Passport application

    Same problem. Some days site was down, other days OTP didn't come through Keep trying Process through banks is super. Recently did the wife's and kids passports at FNB The Glen. 1 week from handing in papers to fetching passports
  17. N

    Which Andriod Auto Headunit

    I imported from Aliexpress about 4 years ago. Model specific and it looks like it was supplied from factory Steering wheel controls work and it hasn't missed a beat since installation
  18. N

    Streaming F1 live ??

    2 years with For the price, its a no brainer. Picture is excellent and doing it exactly like you are, casting from iPhone to TV
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    The Whisky thread

    Thanks for this. Added to list Speyside's are my favourite
  20. N

    Russia-Ukraine Conflict

    This helped me a lot