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  1. Nceitil

    LF - 50uF 100V bi-polar / non polarized

    Hi, As per title, I am looking to buy an electrolytic capacitor that is 50uf 100V bi-polar/non polarized. Tried google and not finding exactly what I need/want locally. Lots of aliexpress, ebay options. Any comments or suggestions where to check in Cape Town? Thanks.
  2. Nceitil

    Grandview motorized sources

    Hi All, Looking to get a Grandview Cyber 16:9 motorized screen (Cape Town). Anyone have any contacts or recommendations for a good deal? Thanks.
  3. Nceitil

    LF Cape Town source for MDF Ultra Light

    Looking for a supplier of MDF in the light / Ultra light category based in Cape Town. Any ideas/suggestions ? Thanks
  4. Nceitil

    'Blind' HD TV Shootout 2019

    I have watched more than a healthy amount of Vincent's videos and he is pretty darn clued up with regards to video. Really nice report on the TV shoot out that happened recently (18 Aug 2019) His cadence can be a bit slow but easily watchable at 1.25...
  5. Nceitil

    Paradox Security

    Hi, Well we finally moving into our new place next month and although renovations will take several months I need to install a new alarm system. I currently have a Paradox MG5050 system with +-20 zones that I programmed with Babyware and Winload. This will be staying behind in the house as we...
  6. Nceitil

    CNC DXF File check

    Hello, I am planning on building a retro arcade cabinet over the December holidays (time permitting). I have done some drawings in Visio and saved them in DXF format. I plan on going through to Davidson in Ottery (CPT) to have them cut it out of 18mm board. Is there someone that can please...
  7. Nceitil

    Atmos Setup

    Going to be moving to a new house and will be going with a Atmos setup. Based on the literature that I have read I have come up with this design What concerns me is that based on text book angles the Atmos rear speakers will be quite far back. I normally would have put them at a 1/4...
  8. Nceitil

    Room Design Options

    So we looking to move into a new place sometime early next year. I have been running several scenarios and looking for some input. The current room dimensions are as follows. The current room ratios do not closely match any of the well known published figures. The room modes however follow...
  9. Nceitil

    Yamaha Repair CPT

    Hi, I have my very first AVR (AZ2) that has seen little to no use for the last 3 years. Used mainly to drive a stereo pair for background music. It will not power on properly anymore. The power button clicks on push and there is a quick second click but nothing after that. I have searched the...
  10. Nceitil

    F/S - Kidney for new TV

    I am the original owner of the kidney and it has minor usage. Perfect working order and in mint condition. Hoping the kidney sale will enable me to put a decent down payment on one. I could care less about the ATMOS but the features and design are very impressive .... and it is FLAT ...
  11. Nceitil

    Mini displayport to Displayport

    Hello All, I got a displayport to displayport cable however laptop only has hdmi and mini display port. I can't get the resolution I want over hdmi so looking to source something similar to these in Cape Town. Feels like a waste paying more for shipping than the item is worth. Anyone know...
  12. Nceitil

    How to wire Neutrik NL4MPR

    Hello All, Feeling rather dumb. Busy with a sub build and using Speakon instead of banana plugs. The Sub is a single VC 4ohm. I have one of these at the back of the box On the AMP side I have a NL4FX...
  13. Nceitil

    Zidoo Media Player - Anyone familar?

    Hi All, Found this on the WWW and looks really impressive on paper. Anyone have first hand experience?
  14. Nceitil

    Start saving for that HTPC upgrade...

    Really looking forward to this. :thumbs: Currently run a Sandy Bridge i3 with dedicated passive AMD GPU. Been holding back and finally the wait is coming to an end. 1W...
  15. Nceitil

    Backup / Mirror 40TB Storage Pool Folder

    Hello All, Looking for some input regarding my home setup Primary Server Win 7 x64 Flexraid RAID-F Storage Pool (No Raid) 40TB Backup Server Win 7 x64 Flexraid tRaid 40TB ( *** Currently in Storage Pool only - adding parity drives + landing disk after data copy ***) Historically I used Total...
  16. Nceitil

    DIY - Full Active 3 Way Coax Center Channel

    First and Foremost.... HUGE thank you to Brian (BBE22) for his insight and taking time out to actually measure my drivers. Without him this project probably would not have started. So what is the plan you ask? Building a full active 3 way centre channel. Figure for a first time build (sub...
  17. Nceitil

    Pentair Intellifo Variable Speed Pump Owners

    Hello, Desperately looking for any Pentair Intellifo VSP owners, ideally in Cape Town. Basically this one I got one installed about three months ago and not sure if I still have an air leak or not. I did...
  18. Nceitil

    DIY Dual Opposed TC Sounds LMS-R

    So I got these drivers about a while back and started the project in late 2013 and finished in early 2014. It did not turn out as good as the 240L I built in 2013. Putting this up now as I understand some might be interested... First I checked the theory - two of these put out quite a bit of...
  19. Nceitil

    Rotel Service Agents

    Hi, I need to get my Rotel Class D amp changed from 110v to 220v. Rotel manual says it can be done... Google searches say it is 3 or 4 wires that need to move but I would rather be safe than sorry. Has anyone done this locally? Any suggestions who I can contact - ideally in Cape Town. Thanks
  20. Nceitil

    Measure T/S parameters in CPT

    Hi, I got two drivers that I would like someone to measure the T/S parameters. They are 1 - KEF Q900 coaxial driver 2 - AE TD10X Anyone in Cape Town able and willing? Thanks.