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  1. P

    Solid state (Linn) amp repairer in CT?

    Seek no further no further than Charles at TechFix, in the Northern Suburbs, Klaus, could take a couple of weeks as hes very busy for good reasoning.
  2. P

    REW Measurements of AlleyCat's Room- Take 2

    Greetings fellow members, I abide by the speaker manufacturers recommendations of positioning, equidistant should be 1st, tweeters Must be ear level, if not you always gonna be a loser if you have not calculated your seated position, find your sweet spot & get sorted out, all of the latter...
  3. P

    FdlSys - Sad news

    Condolences to family & those fortunate enough to have known & met such a helpful man.
  4. P

    Audio Discourse - Is it Really all BS? Part 2

    Get noticed else where Alley, seems you choose to refrain from my suggestion of Facebook to make your fantasies 'LARGELY WORLD WIDE'. Moderators! I do not envy your task at all although I consider a donation at this months end despite my previous comment of not leaving Any of You in my Will.
  5. P

    Lavazza Coffee is back (for now)

    Forgot to mention the above costs around R150 for 500g.
  6. P

    Lavazza Coffee is back (for now)

    Acquired a used Saeco Incanto Sirius last year & searching for those perfect cups currently. Enjoying Foreign Ground's Wild Berry Blend ( roasting scale 6) at this time from Checkers Rondebosch. Any suggestions as to something really strong gents? Thank you.
  7. P

    What An Audiophile!

    Let's designate a closure to the bickering fellow members, anything else you would like realise? Let me know!
  8. P

    What An Audiophile!

    Chat tomorrow Alley, it will be Final in my attempt in a advisory capacity, the latter is not posted during working hours. In the meantime until then \ I got 3 lp's by Diane Shuur may that be of assistance Alley?
  9. P

    Political comments from Picture of the Day.

    I digress Alley, I make a concerted effort to avoid your plite of the battles elsewhere than in OUR COUNTRY, likely why I never managed to notice your calls to the Russian Embassy. Let me know of your progress at the following Embassy's: Sudan, Congo, Zimbabwe, Haiti etc. The South African...
  10. P

    Political comments from Picture of the Day.

    The Russian Embassy? why would I bother liaising with those who murder innocent Ukrainians. I got to know you somewhat when you spent 20 minutes sitting in my lounge, which You seem to know nothing of.
  11. P

    Political comments from Picture of the Day.

    I am not Happy about any War AlleyCat, or any form of Apart Hate, if I may have incorrectly led some to believe so, I'm certainly not going apologise however disappointed you may seem. I have apologised a couple of times before to do with various other matters here in the forums that was due to...
  12. P

    Political comments from Picture of the Day.

    Spare us (or probably just me) Alley. Personally (again probably just me) I would have clung to the Directorship you mention above. FREE SOUTH AFRICA first, 75 murders daily. WTF!
  13. P

    Political comments from Picture of the Day.

    Some years ago I replied to a post, mine was deleted by the Moderators of AV Forums due to being Political, yes, I did comment here a couple of weeks ago, nobody scolded me. The adjudicators of this Forum are requested to put an end to the mindless drivel of personal opinion featuring those...
  14. P

    Pic of the Day

    Release the hostages. Other than the latter I received a posting via Facebook to do with a South African delegation visit to Iran followed by a 2nd visitation to Iran, suddenly after the latter our ruling governance seems no longer bankrupt or poverty stricken, asaid from countless millions in...
  15. P

    The Whisky thread

  16. P

    The Whisky thread

    Tenant hasn't payed rent since last October, eviction end this month.