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  1. L

    Post Office question

    This is cool! I just installed ParcelsApp and it tells me my 2 packages are in Dubai, whereas AliExpress's own tracking tells me "it has arrived at my local airport". I am lucky in that my local Post Office (Durbanville) actually sends me an SMS when a parcel arrives, with their counter slip...
  2. L

    Classic Car Fraud - A treat for car lovers

    Oooh if it features Jaguars I have to watch, thanks! (I like JayEmm on Cars)
  3. L

    Blue Ray disk data transfer

    I only know "Refugees" by VDGG, but it is one of my favourite epic tracks!
  4. L

    AV media player with internal Hard Drive bay

    Suddenly my Mede8er is working perfectly! I don't know for how long, but it means I have some time to research and plan what I really want. Another project - just what I need!
  5. L

    AV media player with internal Hard Drive bay

    Thanks all, a lot of food for thought for me to read up on and decide which way forward!
  6. L

    AV media player with internal Hard Drive bay

    It looks like my mede8er 500X2 just died on me 😭 These days everything is streamed, I don't think players playing from their own hard drives is still a thing, or is it? What do you suggest? My needs are simple : - want to play .MKV / MP4 / DVD & bluray image files / etc on my HD TV, via...
  7. L

    NAD 5420 CD player - dysfunctional LCD display

    I have an old 5425 which had a dead screen. Did some youtube research and replaced the 12V bulb behind the screen with a single LED segment from those 5m rolls of 12V LEDs. Works 100%. You have to open up & remove a few things to get there, but it was not too difficult. I like the player...
  8. L

    Joke for the day

  9. L

    HELP. Good Samaritan efforts backfiring

    Just wondering - would receiving 50Hz from Eskom while it was designed for 60Hz have any effect?
  10. L has gone live

    I've been building a spreadsheet of books I want (on the same topic, so must choose one or two). My list shows basically the Takealot price, Loot price, Amazon US$ price & rating. Yesterday I tried to find them on Amazon SA. None of them were there! It did come up with similar books...
  11. L

    Joke for the day

  12. L

    NAD CD Player disc insert problem

    I have a C545BEE with a similar (but perhaps not identical) problem: Whenever I load a new CD, it would say "disc error" most of the time. If you get past that, it works perfectly I traced the fault to a "switch" - one of those 2 flat bits of copper which are forced to touch each other by...
  13. L

    Battery Booster from Takealot

    12Ah means it can supply 12A for 1 hour, or 1A for 12hours, or 100Amps for 7.2 minutes etc. (all in theory of course, if you believe the sticker) I just read up that to start a car can require anywhere from 400Amp - 600Amp or beyond. But you only need it for a few seconds... So I guess...
  14. L

    Joke for the day

  15. L


    Oops! I didn't realise those are the rules. OK, please forgive if perhaps this doesn't fit into the theme idea. Songs that beg for a great cover version to be recorded by a real great band: 1. Louise (we get it right) - Jona Lewie
  16. L


    Tracks about horses, excluding Horse With No Name and Wild Horses 1. Ballad Of A Runaway Horse - Emmylou Harris 2. Jethro Tull - Heavy horses 3. Nick Cave - Bright Horses (Ghosteen, 2019) 4. Tori Amos - Horses 5. Racing Cars - They shoot horses, don't they 6. black horse - glass harp 7. Goodbye...
  17. L

    Joke for the day

  18. L

    NAD Limited Edition....I want one!

    Wow! I had a NAD 3060 years ago. Beautiful & powerful - had 2 sets of AR38s on them. This looks like a worthy successor!
  19. L

    Kwikot Econocoil Geyser Element

    I can see this is a pointless debate now, but for the record you brought up measurements and whatever. Upon which you based your perception of saving money. I just pointed out that there are anomalies with your measurements, which could lead to incorrect assumptions, because there is just no...
  20. L

    Kwikot Econocoil Geyser Element

    PTC elements don't get hotter than "old school" elements, in fact they are often cooler. What they do do is draw less power as its temp rises, thereby having an almost "self balancing" effect in terms of its temperature & power drawn. The main purpose is longevity (& temp stability I imagine...