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  1. funkstar101

    soooo... i took the plunge and got myself a......

    .....turntable. no i haven't crossed over to the dark side. I'd like to think of it as the occasional visit. after continuously reading about the audio nirvana that a lot of vinyl related threads referred to i decided to take the plunge myself. this was set off by Cheryl's step dad who has a...
  2. funkstar101

    Starter kit

    good evening all, i acquired my first tt on sunday. a pioneer pl720. havent spun a vinyl on it yet. so wish me luck. saw it for sale at a stationery shop and there was no way to test it properly. is there anyone that can tell me about the pedigree of this tt if it even has any. oh yes, there'll...
  3. funkstar101

    Australia's Last Record Maker.

    its no good to hear this. i just got my first t/t on sunday
  4. funkstar101

    What front end do you use

    seeing that my hand was forced..... i too only use pc/cd. voted.
  5. funkstar101

    Dewald hi-fi gear...?

    @schalk i thought chuck norris was the only legend granted this status before he was born :BWAHAHAH: :BWAHAHAH:
  6. funkstar101

    Anyone remember Time Windows?

    Sadly, Joachim Fabianek, passed away about  7-8 years ago.
  7. funkstar101

    HDCP Handshake Problems

    good morning all, i had a handshake problem between blu ray player, 15m hdmi cable(from hd cabling) and samsung plasma. called in samsung techs, they went into tv's service menu. applied their changes and voila. it all worked, took about 5 mins. dont assume it's something you have to live with.
  8. funkstar101

    High Fidelity Appreciation

    now you get your beverage of choice, you sit back and enjoy.
  9. funkstar101

    5 fm listners channel level

    i noticed this quite a while ago as well. this prompted me to ditch the supplied "y" and tap into my tv aerial. thought i had a faulty aerial. i also have complete audio dropouts. its as if the station goes off air for a while, anything up to a minute. as to the content they are playing...lets...
  10. funkstar101

    Speaker Placement Survey

    1. My loudspeakers are: (a) floor-standers 2. The gap between my loudspeakers and front wall is (please specify unit of measure): 88 cm from wall to front face of speaker 3. The gap between my loudspeakers and the nearest side wall is (please specify unit of measure):100 cm from center of...
  11. funkstar101

    FM reception on AV receivers?

    i t'd into my sabc outdoor antenna's cable after also having poor reception from the supplied aerial. now, beautiful reception. i have to just make sure i remember to disconnect the antenna cable at the merest hint of lightning.
  12. funkstar101

    help needed please...

    good afternoon all, vincent 0848462368 has placed an ad on avsa today for the sale of an htm61 that i would like to buy. he's in pretoria near pretoria east hospital. i am in east london. i would like to know if anyone on the forum would be able to assist me by assessing the speaker and...
  13. funkstar101

    yamaha 2067 firmware update v3.34

    good evening all, has anyone had any issues after applying above update to their amp. i have held back doing my update but i cannot find persons with problems after applying this update, on google. one post mentioned Pandora issues but thats irrelevant to me. thanx.
  14. funkstar101

    can i trust the results of a ypao measurement

    my previous ypao results on my 2067 gave the 703's a crossover point of 80hz 0db, lcr60 also set to 80hz +3db. my current listening chair is becoming uncomfortable so we shuffled the furniture around and i ran ypao again for the new arrangement. new crossover point set to 120 hz 0db, centre set...
  15. funkstar101

    Light switch with infrared sensor

    good morning, you can also google i have been using these remote dimmable switches for the past 4-5 years in 3 seperate rooms. amazing when you dont even need to get out of bed to turn the lights on or off. no more tripping over things whilst fumbling for the light switch. i think...
  16. funkstar101

    Some home theatre advice for a Noob

    rodga, which store has these on special at that price?
  17. funkstar101

    Accident in my lounge - Graphic.. not for sensitive viewers

    the really tragic thing about this is that you'll be paying for these knowing what the speakers construction is all about. you have my heartfelt sympathies.
  18. funkstar101

    Dynamic Range Database Revisited

    is anyone else shocked/appalled by the information. i see 80's recordings still fair quite well. from the early 90's its mostly downhill. i'd hate to hear an mp3 done from a bloc party disc. i dont understand tho... why not do as good a recording as possible for cd and then compress it for...
  19. funkstar101

    How Many Guys & Dolls.......

    i have the odd tots of whiskey to take the razors edge off the tweeters. if the missus is with i'll mix her a good vodka passion fruit.
  20. funkstar101

    Hi Res downloads - the price difference !

    Taking this thread off on a different tangent....i had this same dilemma with the advent of dvd-a. there were a lot of esoteric expensive titles that were remastered from the "original recordings". did this make them better at the price. understandably these artists could never pull off a new hi...