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  1. Jared


    My aunt has one, its really good coffee and so many different blends to choose from. The coffers machines are also pritty solid.
  2. Jared

    Rocky Romanov

    I don't think that was the same guy. Though I don't know what he did back then.
  3. Jared

    Rocky Romanov

    Did anyone here know rocky/Chris Romanov ?
  4. Jared

    Im in shock

    It's scary to think how close that happened and that one minute you think you know someone and then well that.
  5. Jared

    Symbian to Android

    Ya HTC my use mostly Samsung parts but there interface is just so much more user friendly.
  6. Jared

    Symbian to Android

    Samsung makes things so difficult, on HTCs there is an app called file transfer that comes with the phone. All you do is do onto the app choose what kind of phone you are transfering from, pair with it and it does the rest.
  7. Jared

    info on amplifier from pqsound

    Don't know if the same quality applies to their amps but when I was building my DIY amp I bought one of there power supplies and it come with a really shabby soldering job, it even had some dry joints.
  8. Jared

    Re-discovering a Pr of Denon SC11 bookshelf Speakers

    Must be so nice too discover speakers after having them packed away for a while. These look very nice indeed.
  9. Jared

    Happy New Year!

    Happy new year hopefully the work won't end in February
  10. Jared

    3.5mm jack to jack aux cable

    Thanks guys. I found a zakspeed one a soundworks.
  11. Jared

    3.5mm jack to jack aux cable

    Hi guys Ny sister is getting a new car radio for christmas and i am going to get her a 3.5mm jack to jack aux for it. Does anyone know where is Cape Town i can get one of these and for how much? Jared
  12. Jared

    What was your best buy his year?

    Mine has been the parts for my diy amp.
  13. Jared

    Cell confuzzled

    You should look at HTCs maybe the one s would be a good idea, its about the size of a s2 and isn't very expensive, might be a paying on a 135 top up, I am currently on a 135 top up but am upgrading to a 200 top up next year. Regards Jared
  14. Jared

    Looking to start surfing - need advice on what size board to get

    Thanks I have been told that going to a surfshop Is best before but was just wanting to see if anyone would give me some backing. I windsurf sail and do some other water sports so I am pritty good on the whole balance thing but have never surfed. Thanks for the advice SeanS. Regards Jared
  15. Jared

    Looking to start surfing - need advice on what size board to get

    Hi guys, Does anyone know anything about surfing? I want to get a noob board? I am 56kg can anyone give me advice on what board to buy? Regards Jared
  16. Jared

    Can anyone tell me about B.I.C Venturi speakers? That is what they look like
  17. Jared

    Can anyone tell me about B.I.C Venturi speakers?

    Hi guys, My friend has a pair of B.I.C Venturi floor standers and was wonder what's what with them. Can anyone tell me anything about then? They are B.I.C Venturi v630s. Jared
  18. Jared

    Sennheiser Hd 429 and 449 how much of a diference is there?

    Hi, I am buying new headphones and i was wondering how much of a diference is there actually, I am talking in terms of feel and sound? Regards, Jared
  19. Jared

    Cheap but still good turntable

    I was looking at a pioneer Pl 430, I know its not the best but but its not bad.
  20. Jared

    Cheap but still good turntable

    Hi, @ivman prefably for the turntable and phonostage, i was advized to look for a NAD pp2 and i was wondering what everyone else thinks? Thanks, Jared