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  1. lanties

    What made you happy today?

    The fantastic service I received from Lance Dixon in delivering and setting up my Claro 6.2s
  2. lanties

    Reference CD, Test Track

    I like the CD overall. Some really good stuff in there. The specific track (Playing in the fields) is not my cup of tea. I will skip it 99% of the time.
  3. lanties

    Introductions Thread

    Welcome Emile, You are getting into this at a nice young age.
  4. lanties

    iFi Zen Stream User Experience

    Places I have bought PI's from before. Rs-components, PiShop, Robofactory.
  5. lanties

    iFi Zen Stream User Experience

    ^^^ I honestly believe/know that there are many streamers and music servers that will be much, much better than the Zen. I have found no compelling evidence in your writings that I should spend time with a Lindemann in my search for an upgrade from my Zen and I need to thank you for that.
  6. lanties

    iFi Zen Stream User Experience

    My Pontus II arrived this morning. The service from Vinshine Audio is just amazing. Unfortunately I'm at the back end of Covid and still have a few days of quarantine before I will be able to connect it up. Hopefully will be able to compare this to the Holo Spring 3 KTE in the new year to make a...
  7. lanties

    iFi Zen Stream User Experience

    ^^^The ideal steamer for the Pontus or better will have an I2S output in addition to Coax, AES and USB. This is neither the Zen nor the Lindemann. I am still waiting for a good reason, other than good authority, to consider the Lindemann irrespective of price or USB.
  8. lanties

    Solar panel optimum mounting angle

    100% agree
  9. lanties

    iFi Zen Stream User Experience

    It appears to be double the price. Just scanning through the specs it is hard to find any advantages over the Zen. It also appears to lack USB output. Could you ask your source to provide some details? I don't believe the Zen will be my last streamer but for now it appears to be very good for...
  10. lanties

    Your last system

    Busy putting mine together. 1. Predator in place 2. Sonor Claro 6.2s ordered 3. Pontus II almost here. This may still be upgraded next year 4. IFI Zen stream in place. This may still be upgraded next year. 5. Clear Audio Emotion in place. Phono stage will be upgraded to VA Whisper soon 6. Roon...
  11. lanties

    iFi Zen Stream User Experience

    Sean we can compare if you want to?
  12. lanties

    iFi Zen Stream User Experience

    I received mine this morning. 1. Plugged it into my network (not wifi) 2. Connected it with USB to my ARES II dac. 3. Powered it on. It was immediately visible to Roon as an endpoint. I enabled it and from there I went to http://ifi.local and updated to latest firmware. Under sources I turned...
  13. lanties

    Denafrips Ares II DAC very strange behaviour

    Exciting news!! The latest version of the USB driver 3.12 has fixed this problem for me. From their website V3.12.0 - Date 29th Nov 2021 - Compatible with macOS / winOS / Linux  - Improved low level STM MCU32 USB handshake with host - Supports...
  14. lanties

    Scubadude's 8kW Solar Installation

    Sean this one is a 16 liter.
  15. lanties

    Scubadude's 8kW Solar Installation

    My opinion. Batteries are very expensive and prices are coming down. My battery has dropped by R12K in less than a year. Make sure your batteries cover you during worst case loadshedding at night. Loadshedding during the day is a non issue if your solar installation is done right. Even on an...
  16. lanties

    Scubadude's 8kW Solar Installation

    As I said earlier I was not involved in the design of my system. I trusted my installer. He was highly recommended by two friends and Victron itself. My understanding is that the two inverters are more efficient as the one in essence converts sunlight directly into AC. This is like a second grid...
  17. lanties

    Scubadude's 8kW Solar Installation

    A bit difficult this one. I tend to over engineer things but decided to leave it in the hands of my installer.  My instructions to him was this 1. Make sure that I can survive up to stage 4 loadshedding without starting my generator. 2. I do not want to use any UPS's after the installation. I...
  18. lanties

    Scubadude's 8kW Solar Installation

    I have a Victron installation. Not a single day I regret it. I know 3 other people including Eckhard, new member here, who have Victron systems. Not a single complaint. I become aware of loadshedding when I look out the windows and notice the neighbourhood is dark. My total cost was R240K...
  19. lanties

    Denafrips Ares II DAC very strange behaviour

    Alvin came back and said the new driver was not stable. They hope to release a new stable driver next week. Hopefully my issue will disappear
  20. lanties

    Denafrips Ares II DAC very strange behaviour

    Thank you. Alvin told me that this will soon be released. I went to the site to check if it was there immediately after your post and it was. I went there now to download and install it and it is gone again.