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  1. R

    Opensprinkler boards Round 2 Q & A

    Thank you, will really appreciate it.  :)
  2. R

    Opensprinkler boards Round 2 Q & A

    Thanks for the info, especially the howto, I'm still a bit unsure of how it will all connect.  It will probably make more sense once I get the parts and start putting it all together. Tangmonster suggested these, which I ordered today. relay...
  3. R

    Opensprinkler boards Round 2 Q & A

    I pm'd Tangmonster to get some info, but maybe someone else can also assist.  I bought one of the OpenIrrigation boards from Smartkit last week.  Apparantly you can control a water pump through this as well?  Anyone know what I will need to do this? I bought this for the transformer: ...
  4. R

    cheap Raspberry Pi enclosure

    If anyone ordered one and decides not to take it anymore, please let me know?  ;)