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  1. B

    Speaker wire in JHB

    Hey guys As the topic indicates looking for decent speaker cable in JHB. Around 2.5mm or what would you guys recommend? Some speakers are around 22 meters from the source. The size of the room is around 60m2, bar area. I will need around 100 meters. What could I buy that is value for money...
  2. B

    Introductions Thread

    Hey guys thanks for the warm welcome :goofy:
  3. B

    Introductions Thread

    Hey guys I have discovered the world of AV recently and i find it awesome! Hobbies include the following: Martial arts,DJ, Muso(guitar,drums,bass,piano),singer,sound engineer and also in the process of building a small recording studio at home. Anyway that concludes a brief hobbies intro for...