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  1. M

    New video projectors below R1000

    Hi all, I need a cheap projector for bar and I saw some on a famous website. Has anyone used these? What was your experience with them?
  2. M

    ADAM Audio A8X repair - looking for recommendations

    Hi all, I have a pair of ADAM Audio A8X with blown woofers, please recommend a place or someone who does a good job. Kind regards,
  3. M

    Suggestions for a replacement stylus for my Pickering XV-15 cartridge

    You can get the stanton replacements at MrVinyl and Vinyl Zozo.
  4. M

    MECER Equipment: good or not?

    For the amount of money you fork out for Meccer, it is a good brand with satisfactory support.
  5. M

    Reliable UPS options?

    APC is a good brand, I would recommend EATON second.
  6. M

    Perfumes & Jewellery

    Hi all, Has anyone imported perfumes? It is worth it? Does it work out cheaper? Alibaba? Please recommend a local manufacturer of jewellery that does not so expensive pieces for weddings.
  7. M

    FaitalPro Local Supplier

    Please share name of shop, I might need to import sometime in the future.
  8. M

    Where to buy Stanton 500 stylus or AT95 cartridges

    Hi all, I am looking for Stanton 500 stylus or AT95 cartridges, where can I find them. ProAudio doesn't have stock on the Audio Technicas.
  9. M

    Technics SL1210 mkII

    You could sell those to me and source a working set  :cool:
  10. M

    Sweden and cryptocurrency

    I wish I had bought Bitcoin when I first heard about it years ago, i would have made tons of moola. :cool: I am currently considering ripple.
  11. M

    CIA issues for apology for Osama's death,

    Was not sure what to make of it. But there has been a hot debate about Osama being responsible for 911.
  12. M

    Panasonic Returns the Technics 1200 Turntable to Its DJ Roots With the new MK7

    It has been a long wait and fairly priced at $1200.00.
  13. M

    CIA issues for apology for Osama's death,

    "CIA Issues Posthumous Apology After New Evidence Clears Osama Bin Laden Of Involvement In 9/11 Attacks" This is not right. It cost millions for the operation and now a further $18 million restitution to Osama's family...
  14. M

    Sherwood or Pioneer

    Sherwood is good and fairly priced.  :thumbs:
  15. M

    No more high fidelity for me

    Sad to hear about your loss, which better ways of making money would you recommend? Back to main topic: I have found that a decent system will do the job as long as the source is good, but it in all honesty there are some sweet sounding systems under the sun.
  16. M

    The TRUTH why modern music is garbage

    There is still a lot of good music out there but as previously stated, one has to dig.
  17. M

    Autodesk inventor expert required

    Hi all, A friend of mine is looking for an expert than can do production ready 3D designs and illustrations in Inventor or Revit. Anyone?
  18. M

    Bookshelfs vs floorstander

    As mentioned before room size plays a role, I have heard very nice bookshelf speakers and very powerful floor standing speakers that did not require a sub for music.
  19. M

    Advice on Dj Turntables

    We have used some Stanton T80s for a while without any problems but when you need proper DJ turntables its 1200/1210s - those things live forever and hold their value.