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  1. Con77777

    Valve amp

    Sounds interesting, how do I get a hold of him?
  2. Con77777

    Valve amp

    Thanks a bunch, I would have not known that. BTW how did you calculate that? Where should I start looking for a valve, is there any particular brand to look out for etc.
  3. Con77777

    Valve amp

    I've got the Dali Lektor 3's. I do't have a budget was just going to go for the most affordable, in other words whatever they are priced around I will save toward them.
  4. Con77777

    Valve amp

    Im looking to purchase my first valve amp, any suggestions. Im looking for something at entry level at lowest price.
  5. Con77777

    Introductions Thread

    Hi All Im new to the forum, hope to learn a lot from you guys.