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  1. A

    Not at all.  Measurements are not science.  We however heavily rely on science of psychoacoustics, and research into listener preference to interpret them.  Don't confuse the two.  Your doctor measuring your breathing is not science.  Him commenting something is unusual in what he hears relies...
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    Come again?  Schooled by whom?  There better be no question whatsoever as I have zero, zero commercial connection with any entity.  You seem to want to believe random rumors and talking points from people who don't like the measurements they see which oppose their held views.  Maybe you would...
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    My speaker measurements use state of the art Klippel NFS system ($100,000) that performs measurements based on decades of research into what makes a speaker sound good.  Peer reviewed paper after paper, and countless controlled listening tests show its efficacy and prediction of how listeners...
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    Your understanding of what I do when reviewing products is completely wrong.  I am not performing "science" when measuring an audio product.  I am simply measuring common engineering aspects of the product such as noise, distortion, jitter, etc.  Companies used to provide such measurements back...
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    Don't know if you expected to hear from me directly but here it is. :) I currently have two of Anthem's high-end processors they sent me for testing, the AVM60 and AVM70.  The relationship with them is quite cordial and respectful.  So that should tell you something. In general, I use a much...
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    Rotel vs Marantz

    That gear is long gone so I can't re-test.  But we will get more to test in the future. The key is on the second line.  I quantify the dynamic range by converting to bits.  The general specifications for movie sound is 105 dB.  Ideally your gear has 10 dB better performance so its noise...
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    Rotel vs Marantz

    It would probably do better.  Alas, at the time I was only testing at one voltage.  Today I perform a sweep from low to nominal voltage so one can see where the output gets distorted.  I am also not cutting slack for manufacturers by lowering the voltage to suite them.  XLR output must be at...
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    Rotel vs Marantz

    Don't listen to Mike Davis (Mivera, Blizzard, etc.).  I have banned him from ASR at least six times.  He keeps making new aliases and comes back.  I have critiqued his non-safe amplifiers and other comments he made so he keeps throwing rocks.  See this for example...
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    Rotel vs Marantz

    No such thing has happened.  To wit, Denon & Marantaz have approved all of my latest measurements and techniques.  And those tests have found design problems with respect to channel mixing that no one else had found even though the problem has been there in multiple generations. As to being...
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    Topping dac measures better than Schitt Ygdrassil

    All of this was explained to you on ASR Forum.  A 60 Hz hum shows up distinctly from other tones the DAC is being asked to play.  This is the nice thing about using single tones.  We can tell what is what and that is why we use them in testing gear.  A 60 Hz hum, if higher than other...
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    Topping dac measures better than Schitt Ygdrassil

    You were banned because much later in the thread after I responded to all of your technical points, you said this: "You obviously don't need such ground, as in every system you should have a single ground, but it is a separate issue from isolation. As it looks like from the tone you are...
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    Topping dac measures better than Schitt Ygdrassil

    Well, they pretended to care  until I came along and actually measured their gear.  :)  Despite a bunch of protests from them, they proceeded to buy the same analyzer I have and built well performing DACs like Schiit Modi 3.  And all of their new designs now come with posted measurements...
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    Topping dac measures better than Schitt Ygdrassil

    We all listen to music.  But we also measure because instruments are far more accurate than our hearing in determining if a box is well engineered and well implemented to be a hi-fi product.  The fact that most people can't hear the distortions from less well measuring audio products is proof...
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    Topping dac measures better than Schitt Ygdrassil

    Your ears aren't telling you anything.  They just receive sound.  As you say, it is the brain that is making that determination with many factors beyond sound. As to safety, there are potential issues with mains input units from Schiit which they don't seem to be fixing...
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    Designed ?totally by ear,?

    There was nothing personal in the comment. As to your question, yes, you are drawing the wrong conclusion.  Musicians sit in the stage and focus on what they are playing.  They do this day in and day out so their hearing develops certain skills that is different and independent from what an...
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    Designed ?totally by ear,?

    When it comes to measuring sound in rooms, measurements can indeed substantially mislead.  In the context of the topic at hand though, the proper measurements are absolutely instructive.  Here is Dr. Toole explaining it ALL in this one hour lecture:
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    Designed ?totally by ear,?

    Come again?  I quoted research that said due to their job (playing music) their ears are trained differently than yours.  And you took away that their opinion applies to you?
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    Designed ?totally by ear,?

    You think for decades people have done research that has no application to the home environments you list??? Sound reproduction is half speaker, half the room. Dr Toole's book covers both in countless pages. You cannot fix a bad speaker with a room.  On the other hand, a well-designed speaker...
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    Designed ?totally by ear,?

    Research results are simple: countless controlled listening tests including people from industry and not, young and old, shows that we prefer speakers that have a) smooth frequency response and b) have good off-axis response.  It is a fortuitous thing that we like what is objectively thought to...
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    Designed ?totally by ear,?

    Many is the right answer.  Here is the one that you are probably asking about: