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  1. Orcish75

    Remote Control Repository

    "Sold" to MikeDaMan
  2. Orcish75

    Why do we never get Sony's high end home theatre solutions

    I think the Mgongo killed the Sony brand for any self respecting audio enthusiast! 🤣
  3. Orcish75

    Remote Control Repository

    Harman Kardon AV140 remote. Free for whomever needs it.
  4. Orcish75

    Cars that were tuned in South Africa

    More info on the BMW E12 535i homologation, and a race against the Alfa GTV6 3.0 with Tony Viana and Arnold Chatz
  5. Orcish75

    Let's build a monster sub

    :) 21" driver with a 3800W amp! That should trigger the seismometers in your area..
  6. Orcish75

    Technics RS-1520

    Imagine how much that will sell for in Durban! Durban mark up, being a Technics and all the bling..
  7. Orcish75

    Frequently Misspelled audiophile terms

    Jamo is another favourite, being a Danish name. I've heard most people pronounce it Jam-o, as in bread and jam, when it should be Ja-mo, as in the Afrikaans Ja.
  8. Orcish75

    A tale of Noise

    :) Your BoomTechs sound much better than they aught to. I haven't yet assembled the Boomtech boards you gave me, in fact, I still haven't tested the LM3886 boards you gave me that I assembled over a year ago! I'm definitely gonna assemble a couple of BoomTechs for my MAME arcade cabinets. (y)
  9. Orcish75

    Dangerous times.

    The only operational Gripen flew over our house during the Brics summit. It was very special, seeing our entire airforce fly over.
  10. Orcish75

    Please help: solar not decreasing eskom bill

    Hi Kinosfronimos, Scubadude and Chrisc have touched on some important points. The CT coil should be installed on the Eskom live main cable coming into the DB board, before the cable goes through the main switch, earth leakage etc. The CT has to be able measure the consumption of the entire...
  11. Orcish75

    Buffalo Logistics: new delivery kid on the block- any good?

    Buffalo are the default shipping company for Banggood. Bought many items over the years and haven't yet had a problem with Buffalo. They also ship speaker drivers which the Post Office refused to do. Just wish more sellers from AliExpress would use them.
  12. Orcish75

    DSP for the masses

    Looks like the perfect device for subwoofer EQ. MiniDSP has been the de-facto standard, but really pricey. Hopefully the developers of REW will add this to the supported device list.
  13. Orcish75

    Mission Mv-8E speaker upgrade

    Hi Roux, nope, not difficult, the screws for the cabinet are behind the rubber grommets that hold the grill on and there's also a screw behind the "Mission" badge at the bottom of the speaker. Be careful with the badge, it's glued in place and might be difficult to remove without damaging it...
  14. Orcish75

    A classical musician looks at rock - "Virgin rock"

    Naah, looking at the way she dresses, her hairstyle, and instruments in the background, I'm sure she frequented The Doors in Marshall street until 5AM every morning..
  15. Orcish75

    Hellmans Mayo

    Ah! Missed that rather important detail. 😳 Works out to be R67.15 for a standard 400g bottle.
  16. Orcish75

    Hellmans Mayo

    :ROFLMAO: Bargain!!!!
  17. Orcish75

    Building a Yuich Arai 290 Horn (or two)

    Looking really cool! Glad to see the belt sander, any other and I think you would've taken strain. (y)
  18. Orcish75

    Any Reason Not To Install A Gas Geyser

    Running out of gas and having to swap cylinders at 3AM on a freezing winter's morning. :) In all seriousness, we've just installed one (a Dewhot 16L/pm) about 6 months ago for our domestic assistant and she loves it. Takes a little longer to get up to temperature, but once it's there, it works...
  19. Orcish75

    Distance between Main DB and Inverter

    A mate of mine used one of the twisted pairs of a CAT5 network cable to run a ~30m extension for the CT. So far, working 100% fine.
  20. Orcish75

    NAD 314 silenced

    :) (y) Just work in IT and you'll find that type of problem comes up fairly often, I feel your pain and embarrassment! Glad you managed to sort it out and it wasn't a more serious problem.