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  1. K

    ifi Zen DAC Signature Edition

    Done many deals with Francois & Amanda and can only speak of them in very high regard !!
  2. K

    New B&W 802 D4 demo

    Thank you for your views of the new B&W 802 D4's Drifter . I have seen a few reviews internationally but it is always nice to get a local review . I have also done business with E-Piphany in the past and it was always a pleasure dealing with Hein , he is very helpful  .
  3. K

    Denafrips Ares II Dac

    Can also confirm the Ares II is very good , been using it for a few months with very good results
  4. K

    Bluesound Node 2i - Interesting observation

    A few months back i added a Denafrips Ares II dac to my BS Node 2i . The results are very good and a huge upgrade , must note that the Node 2i is a very good streamer and i do like the Bluesound app for Tidal
  5. K

    Some Appreciation for Dali Speakers

    Never heard what a set of Dali's sound like , but only hear good things
  6. K


    Any chance you might bring in any more chrisc
  7. K

    Tidal Costs

    When did you start subscribing to Tidal Nikkel
  8. K

    Tidal Costs

    One of my friends took the R40 for 4 months option and is very happy . I see some people are paying R120 for full Hi-Fi on Tidal , i however am paying R159.99 per month
  9. K

    Reliable Courier services

    I have used TCG for the last 5 years and have received and sent well over 150 parcels of numerous things , to date they have not lost or damaged any of my packages to my relief  . That being said i try to package everything to be bomb proof(drop proof) . I also never send packages before the weekend
  10. K

    Do you listen to music or do you listen to equipment ?

    I believe as a person gets new equipment there would be some critical listening to hear if the new components work as they should , after that one just enjoys listening to good quality music . This is how i experience it
  11. K

    Upgrade path

    I agree , upgrade the weakest component  , whatever that is .
  12. K

    Pre amp to integrated

    I have never done it that way round , i have used the pre-outs on an integrated to connect a power amp but that is it . I am sure it works , just don't see the use for pre amp to integrated unless you want to use a valve pre-amp to integrated like one of the previous post . I suspect very few...
  13. K

    Tom Cruise loses his cool

    And he keeps going on and on , think they got the message the 1st time around  :cr@p: :cr@p:
  14. K

    Hi fi and household insurance

    A few years back i asked my broker should i specify each item and he told me that i should just work on one total for everything inside the house at full replacement value .
  15. K

    A reasonably priced surge arrestor for your DB

    Thanks for the heads up , seems pretty affordable . Will call my local electrical dealer and get some more information  :thumbs:
  16. K

    Keeping your speakers safe

    It is a bit harsh , but sure will work  :whistler:
  17. K

    Today is the day

    I can see that they are less toed in on the 1st pick from what it appears , i can believe they  work better that way  :thumbs: Enjoy them !!!
  18. K

    Today is the day

    Damn , your setup looks real good . Can see you have the 802's  toe in  , do you find they work better this way
  19. K

    To toe in or not to toe in

    I have a 6mx6m music room and i find my B&W 800d's work best if i toe them in to my main sitting position , depending on your room it might work differently .
  20. K

    Today is the day

    Congrats , it is some really nice speakers that you are getting  :thumbs: