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  1. I

    Akai AP 001 tonearm's antiskating setting

    Dear Fredeb, Only a pleasure man Istju ... in my opinion You are a doctor(medicus universalis, and You have a degree in psychology as well) of the desparately sad LP fans. The Akai AP 001 can sound pretty decent if set up properly But I am as dishonest as a politican...I would like to ask Your...
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    Akai AP 001 tonearm's antiskating setting

    Dear Fredeb, I would like to say to You:Thank You! Your second (the vinylengine not allowed  to register) answer helped me a lot. You are very polite...I red a lot of non-positive sentences about this tonearm. Once again many thanks for the help! Sincerely, Yours:Istju.
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    Akai AP 001 tonearm's antiskating setting

    Dear Sirs, First of all I know/I red  that this tonearm is not a medium quality tonearm...a lot of people think it is pretty under the "good quality-good song" tonearm's class... it is  bad, it is ugly, it is not up to date, it is not expensive, but it is mine. Till today I set antskating only...
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    Dual 1019 Plinth Build

    Dear Jacque! Dear DUAL 1019 fans! I am a newbie (not only ) in this topic...sorry for the reopening the topic.But...I bought a Dual 1019 yesterday not for a large amount of money. It is my shame, but  I have no any idea to get some (but more than enough only one) files about the plinth of the...