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  1. M

    Best PiriPiri Chicken in PTA / JHB?

    You can also try Casa Galos in Meyersdal. JHB South area.
  2. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    He makes it look easier than it is!
  3. M

    Members' Kit pics

    Driver views
  4. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    Yup! Very positive! Thanks...looks better at night though.
  5. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    Just hooked it up to one channel of the amp. I have to make a new speakon to bridge the amp. But :oops: The sub moves. The excursion looks crazy. And the sound is more felt than heard compared to the PB2000.The intro to Edge of Tomorrow felt like an aircon sitting in front of the sub🤣. There is...
  6. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    Makes the PB2000 look and feel tiny!
  7. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    Ports. Should have done the back of the box last. Couldn't get them to fit! Had to use joiners.:ROFLMAO: Need to plan better next time.
  8. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    Bracing getting done
  9. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    This is a great idea! Thanks. Was wondering how to make it look better.
  10. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    Working on the bracing
  11. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    Yes. I’m keen to try different types of enclosures. I see a lot of experimenting in the future. :)
  12. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    Yes. I’m going close with the recommended size from Peerless. They recommend 133litres or so and 2 92cm 100mm ports. I’m adding quite a bit of bracing so shouldn’t be too far off. Excited to try it out!
  13. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    Comments always welcome! I have the amp already. A pro audio type with DSP. Hybrid A4000.
  14. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    WIll look something like this. But the ports are being 90 degreed upwards within the box. 2 110mm pipes about a metre long. The box design software says this will be around 18/19Hz
  15. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    Affirmative. Bracing and ports
  16. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    New box construction is under way. December project Test fit
  17. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    Thanks. I will investigate the SVS enclosures as well.
  18. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    Yea it does look like that. I don't think they actually keep any products here. If you dig into the fine print it makes it clearer. I tried using WinISD with the recommended box sizes from Peerless. 133litres with 2 92cm long and 10cm circumference vents for tuning to 17HZ I think. Looks good...
  19. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    Interesting fact. When I was researching I found out that Peerless is making the subs for some SVS models. In fact the PB2000 that I currently have also uses a Peerless driver. And the 16 Ultra series driver is based of this sub. Swayed my decision somewhat.
  20. M

    Another DIY targa home sub build

    Yea...That's what I thought when I ordered it from Digikey. It comes from USA though. Had to pay in another packet for customs and VAT. They shipped it for free though...nice of them for a 30kg package! It feels like it's made from lead. Difficult to work with on your own. Will get started with...