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  1. Eish

    tv series

    Hi Folks - something different from me. I introduced my daughter to anime (DragonBallZ) many years ago and she got into anime full blown. She has been pushing me to watch Attack on Titan. I started last week. That is the only think I am watching right now. In return to watching Attack on...
  2. Eish

    Sony or Hisense

    I think USTs may be in trouble. I've been itching to get the PX3-Pro but this is close enough to the size and cheaper without all the shortcomings !!!
  3. Eish

    Sony or Hisense

    If OLED was, say, 20% more expensive than LED, it would be unbeatable. But right now, we are talking a 100% price hike for the same size. Plus, you truly appreciate the superior OLED if you have them side by side.
  4. Eish

    Onkyo rz70 international local suppliers scamming us?

    I was referring to this review -
  5. Eish

    Veritasium - Sound

    Interesting discussion on how we perceive sound. For all those audiophiles - this discussion may be of interest.
  6. Eish

    Onkyo rz70 international local suppliers scamming us?

    RZ70, LX805 - local pricing is just insane. Gene from Audioholics bench tested the RZ70 and it doesn't seem to be underperforming.
  7. Eish

    Replacement amp for home theatre system

    You can also connect Pioneer Line out (Zone B) to Line in in the old Sony and keep the sub connected to the Sony - if you still have it and it works. This will be the best scenario since the Sony controls the crossover to the sub. I think your new takealot amp sends full range - if I am right...
  8. Eish

    SABC Plus on Android TV

    Forgive my pointless rant - I Installed for the SABC News - Oh - my - goodness!!! The picture quality on SABC News. They should be ashamed of themselves.
  9. Eish

    Manufacturer threatens lawsuit over negative review - DCS

    Lawsuit - overkill. Remember Elon musk saying the Cyberbeast can “tow a Porsche 911 across a quarter mile faster than the Porsche 911 can go by itself.” Not only did he try to find the slowest Porsche available on the market - this claim was also proven to be factually incorrect using his very...
  10. Eish

    Floorstander Advice

    @Emissary_of_Pain - If you do decide to go with the Bentley's. I have these ( ) which I bought from PAPPA3 last year - I can sell to you for R5000 because they have paint scratch marks at the top. I have another pair I...
  11. Eish

    iFi Zen Blue 3 - World's first lossless bluetooth

    There it is folks. Those of you who like bluetooth's convenience, can now have it with all the glory of lossless CD quality. Yum yum !! I am all ears....
  12. Eish

    Tidal Hi Res

    Deezer Connect doesn't work for me. I think I can control the laptop from the phone - which is pretty pointless for my usage, I cannot control the AVR or Bluesound from the phone, with Tidal Connect - I can control Bluesound or Wiim mini. I suppose they cater for very different use scenarios.
  13. Eish

    Tidal Hi Res

    That sucks - your best bet is to get Roon or Audirvana.
  14. Eish

    Subs what is best?

    Get yourself a Klipsch RP1200, or the RP1600 and call it a day. @BiZKiT will give you a nice price and you can use the extra cash for nice sub cables.
  15. Eish

    FIIO R7 Incoming

    Liberty is an awesome track
  16. Eish

    Tidal Hi Res

    Very interesting. I noticed that Bluesound allows you to choose whether you want FLAC or MQA when using Bluesound Node. I guess that choice goes out the window after the 24th.
  17. Eish

    Please help in importing this item

    Thanks @marantz123 I will check this out. Regards
  18. Eish

    Please help in importing this item

    Hi all I am trying to import this motherboard but I cannot register as South Africa is not included in the list. To the folk who have more knowledge on these matter please assist. Regards
  19. Eish

    Reviews please: Bentley FS150

    @Anton - they indeed can take power. I had my AVR (An old Onkyo RZ1100) in the Kids room volume limited. Then the kids grew up and learned to fiddle and undo my limit and boy do they blast music ! No issues with the speakers. I keep the grills off all the time. To give an idea - I had...
  20. Eish

    Reviews please: Bentley FS150

    For me - headroom - they can take high volumes - my kids figured out how to change the volume limit. My room has an issue with bass - I struggled with boom from the Klipsch and the FS150. So I will advise you keep them away from walls or get a bass trap for the corners.