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  1. M

    R1 million for Landcruiser 76

    I see also the new Honda CR V Has just shot up to over the million mark, I have driven them since 2000 but that’s the end I fear O
  2. M

    Repair Quad Electrostatic Loudspeakers

    I had lost touch many years ago when I moved to CPT , glad someone could help
  3. M

    Repair Quad Electrostatic Loudspeakers

    I have no idea , it was just a long shot , he mended mine quite a while back , I am not even sure if he's till in business. If he was I was expecting someone here to know more about him . I was recommended to him by a hi fi shop in Cresta which also seems to have gone the way of the world
  4. M

    Repair Quad Electrostatic Loudspeakers

    There used to be a guy in Randburg , he fixed my Quad ESL 62's . It's so long ago I can't remember but I think his name was Neelam he mended all sorts of hi fi . You will probably have to import the panels. But I agree with a comment above , they won't last. I had mine mended just before I...
  5. M

    AV Lightning protection

    Pull the plugs , disconnect any ADSL/phone copper lines . anything else is a short cut. We do this any time a thunderstorm is nigh !! We got hit ( a neighbours palm tree) several years ago through the ADSL line , even with all the mains unplugged. It zapped a way back through the network . I...
  6. M

    Help - Lightening Strike

    As soon as a storm is obviously coming PULL THE PLUGS . It's the only safe way ... I lost a load of gear a few years back when we were still on ADSL, even with the mains plugs out the strike fried the network via the phone cable. Fibre fixed that I hope
  7. M

    Belts for Cassette Decks

    There used to a guy called Neelam in Randburg who repaired anything. He replaced the element in my Quad ESL,62’s worked perfectly afterwards. It was a few years back so I can’t remember his surname but someone else may ?