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  1. B

    Subwoofer recommendatuins

    Are there any links to DIY sub builds that cost about the same as entry level subs,  ( 3-5k ) that could possibly give you better performance? Obviously it doesn't have to be over-engineered or look fabulous, just perform better than the basic stuff??
  2. B

    Recommendation for subwoofer cabinet refinishing

    Take a look at carbon fibre skinning...videos on youtube...
  3. B

    Upgrade path

    A sub would make a great improvement to any system. Would that fall under the speakers category?
  4. B

    Nad t758 speaker pairing

    Have you tried PSB and Monitor Audio? Some guys say B&W and Mission...but havnt heard the last two combos...
  5. B

    Dedicated room build

    Brave to build a room with no windows..saves money on curtains though..
  6. B

    How does one get the passion back?

    Its tough if the family doesnt enjoy your passion..try to get them involved somehow maybe some music and bottle or two of good wine on date night... My system is under a bedsheet in the bedroom now, away from my two year old nephew who touches EVERYTHING. Wife is 3 months pregnant so its not...
  7. B

    Marantz 500 Power Amplifier.

    How did the testdrive go?
  8. B

    Marantz 500 Power Amplifier.

    wow its awesome...
  9. B

    Bi Amping

    Ok great...thanks a million guys. Thought about looking at either getting another Rotel power or a bigger NAD integrated but decided to  just add a sub..had a Jamo 15 however it just sounded way too big for music so I am on the lookout for small, fast, musical sub that wont break the bank.
  10. B

    Bi Amping

    My skill = -6 :sd:
  11. B

    Bi Amping

    Hi Guys, Thanks for the great feedback as I know this must have been discussed before...however I could not get a definitive answer from searching. The power amp is a Rotel RB870BX. It is rated at 100W per channel. The NAD, an integrated, rated at 80W per channel however I feel that the NAD...
  12. B

    Bi Amping

    Hi All, I have a NAD C352 and a Rotel power amp. I was interested in Biamping Monitor Audio BX6's. Do I just run a RCA from Pre out 2 on the NAD into the Rotel and remove the links between the speaker binding posts and connect each amp to each set of speaker terminals? I have the Rotel hooked...
  13. B

    LF : Machinist aluminum.
  14. B

    System Matching advise needed.

    The issue with my place is that firstly its pretty small and secondly its rented so I cant exactly stick stuff on the ceilings and make a lot of holes in the walls...I've got to look at non permanent solutions that would minimise clutter and go down well with the GF... The paintings that the...
  15. B

    System Matching advise needed.

    Thanks for the input guys..Ok, I will investigate more on room treatment before buying a cd player. You guys are quiet convincing. Its not a subject I know much about hence I've been steering away from it..but learning a new subject is always fun...
  16. B

    System Matching advise needed.

    Ok, so I guess I can move the speakers around a bit more....the room is essentially the house, excluding the bathroom, so not much flexibility there, unfortunately. I can try to move the furniture around a bit...hopefully that might help a little too... The speakers are not bi-wired though I do...
  17. B

    System Matching advise needed.

    Ok, my budget is around R1500 stretched to the second hand is the only option for me...which one of the suggested CD players would you say has the best midrange?? Anyone familiar with the NAD T585, DVD and SACD player? How good of a source would it be used primarily with CD's??
  18. B

    System Matching advise needed.

    I listened to them at HiFi Installations, Centurion. The room was rectangular with a couch and the speakers slightly elevated. It was carpeted but not very large. I really didn't pay that much attention to the room though my girlfriend liked the The speakers played across the short...
  19. B

    System Matching advise needed.

    Using a Pioneer DV 525 and el-cheapo cabling at the moment.  :( I've been looking for a good CD player or DAC, hence the post... I've tried repositioning the speakers but that doesnt help much. I live in a loft apartment..I've even moved the whole setup into the upstairs bedroom where its...