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  1. cholaquepita

    Makro SA exclusive offers to AV Forum members:

    Trying to register and I get an "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" This is the mail system at host I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below. For further assistance, please send mail to...
  2. cholaquepita

    Monitor Audio GX100 upgrade?

    Great response Kalith: thank you. I think the 300's would be out of my league now. Your suggestion about the subs is a pretty good one; I may consider this option as a good alternative going forward.
  3. cholaquepita

    Monitor Audio GX100 upgrade?

    I'm very happy with my MA GX100's. They are used for Stereo listening as well as part of a Home Theatre 7.1 arrangement. I do have a subwoofer on my setup as well. I was thinking if upgrading to the Monitor Audio Gold 200 will make a big difference? This will be my first move to floor...
  4. cholaquepita

    Placing central speaker in front of LCD

    I actually used the Ellies one (R400) quite solid: I didn't buy it from that store though.
  5. cholaquepita

    Placing central speaker in front of LCD

    Thanks for all the input. I will go for the LCD wall mounting. It's the easier solution to implement: the customized component is not available and besides (like naughty mentioned) it will be expensive.
  6. cholaquepita

    Placing central speaker in front of LCD

    Naughty: Its a plasma and it has backwards-facing ports, therefore wall mounting is not advisable.
  7. cholaquepita

    Placing central speaker in front of LCD

    Rodga: TV: 51 inch Speaker: 50 x 21 x 18 cm 8thMan Thanks, I'll give them a call
  8. cholaquepita

    Placing central speaker in front of LCD

    I wonder if someone came across this problem before: I decided to upgrade my LCD to a larger size, unfortunately this model comes with a very small base (6 cm height); as a result my central speaker that used to sit in front is now covering a large chunk of the LCD. On my old setting the LCD...
  9. cholaquepita

    BOSE speakers

    I think I raised an interesting point, judging by the number of responses to the post I learned a lot from the different point of views. I did not join the forum to engage in provocation, or to impose my point of view on others; just to learn a bit and to share experiences. On the other hand I...
  10. cholaquepita

    BOSE speakers

    By the looks I hit some nerve here. I haven't certainly tested all Bose speakers, but the ones I was given a demo were pretty ordinary. A different impression I had listening to many other brands, far better in my opinion. Numbers and models don't matter, our own perception and listening taste...
  11. cholaquepita

    BOSE speakers

    After reading all comments, I have the impression I opened a can of worms. All the contributions are interesting and amusing; most seem to fall in between two sides: ?awful? & ?not so bad?. Personally, I haven?t been impressed by the speaker?s looks, construction, or the loud volumes they push...
  12. cholaquepita

    BOSE speakers

    BOSE  has stores all over and their speakers & headphones available at every Airport. However I never see them mentioned on these forums or in popular Hi-FI magazines, no discussion at all: zilch. Are they not considered like audiophile material? Are they just pure hype? Just curious, no...
  13. cholaquepita

    DVD-Audio discs

    Sure, the following DVD audios are great: Carly Simon: No Secrets Santana: Supernatural Grover Washington's WINELIGHT
  14. cholaquepita


    I'm in the U.K. You can get it here for R8000 new. Problem is transport ; it weights 14 kilos What a pitty
  15. cholaquepita


    Tried that, their price list is from 2009. looking for something more ..fresh
  16. cholaquepita


    Questions: Who represents Roksan in ZA, any "independant agents"? What do you think of the Roksan Kandy K2 as an "audiophile integrated amp" Many thanks
  17. cholaquepita

    Rasberry Pi

    Thanks shanghailoz
  18. cholaquepita

    Rasberry Pi

    Would anyone know where to buy a unit in the UK?. Not on-line ordering, just a normal retail shop
  19. cholaquepita

    WTG Powered USB HDD

    Just bear in mind that the HP Microserver is not silent. The sound of the fan is noticeable so depending on where you will place it, it may have some effect on your musical experience. It all depends on your preferences
  20. cholaquepita

    DSTV HD picture quality

    True. I know is 1080i, however some HD movies look pretty average. I noticed it as well.