As I have mentioned in Scott's 2A3 thread, I am designing, and building a pair of 2A3 mono blocks. I want to compare the channel separation to the integrated design I have done before. The choice of driver is also under re-evaluation.
Here is a basic design that captures what I have in mind:
The power transformer is first up for design. The rectifier choice is 5U4, but the amp should also work with GZ34 and GZ37. The GZ34 needs a series resistance of 125 ohms on the anodes. This is the design for the transformer:
2A3-mono-blok-kragtrafo by Karel Mars, on Flickr
I checked with my wire supplier, and they have 0.2mm enamelled copper wire in stock :rubhands:
Next is a visit to Duncan's PSUD2 to check the DC voltages of the proposed power supply.
Here is a basic design that captures what I have in mind:

The power transformer is first up for design. The rectifier choice is 5U4, but the amp should also work with GZ34 and GZ37. The GZ34 needs a series resistance of 125 ohms on the anodes. This is the design for the transformer:

I checked with my wire supplier, and they have 0.2mm enamelled copper wire in stock :rubhands:
Next is a visit to Duncan's PSUD2 to check the DC voltages of the proposed power supply.