5-Year old hacks X-Box


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AVForums Grandmaster
May 17, 2006
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North West
5-Year old hacks X-Box

(Video on site)

SAN DIEGO, Calif. (KGTV/CNN) ? Microsoft has bestowed the title of ?security researcher? on a five-year-old boy in California after he discovered a vulnerability in the Xbox gaming system.

You?ve heard of the show ?are you smarter than a fifth grader?? Well, we?ve got a new one for you.

Are Microsoft techies smarter than a five year old?

A boy in San Diego gave them a run for their money by outsmarting Xbox security measures. Proving the old adage that the apple doesn?t fall far from the tree.

Amid the worldwide hoopla over the new Xbox, a hidden vulnerability that could allow anyone to break into Xbox accounts just by having a console. A vulnerability, uncovered by a 5-year-old.

When Kristoffer von Hassel is playing his Xbox, his feet don?t touch the ground.

His words are sometimes hard to understand, but something he just did sent a message, loud and clear to some of the smartest techies at Microsoft.

Just after Christmas, Kristoffer?s parents noticed he was logging into his father?s Xbox Live account and playing games he wasn?t supposed to be.

This is video shot soon after dad asked Kristoffer how he was doing it.

A suddenly excited Kristoffer showed dad when he typed in a bad password, it clicked to a password verification screen.

And by typing in space keys, then hitting enter ? a back door in.

Kristoffer?s? father, who works in computer security, was one proud papa.

It?s not the first time Kristoffer has flashed his tech skills.

At age 1, he got past the toddler lock on the cellphone by holding down the home key.

4 years later, he took aim at the Xbox One.

Father and son reported the bug to Microsoft.

Microsoft has come up with a fix, even acknowledged Kristoffer on its website as a security researcher.

When Kristoffer read it, he had this reaction.

?I?m gonna be famous!!!!? Kristoffer yelled excitedly.

Microsoft is rewarding Kristoffer with four games, 50 dollars, and a year-long subscription to Xbox Live.

He also now knows what he wants to be when he grows up: a gamer.

But his dad is leaning toward something in computer security for him.


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