There's a large shady parking lot alongside Brodie Road in Wynberg. The lot has easy access to a bottle store and has for been for a long time, a favourite spot for thirsty and exhausted shoppers and vagrants to relax and indulge in (illegal) drinking and the inevitable public indecency. Cop vans from Wynberg SAPS just around the corner often park there but always turn a blind eye to the goings on.
I didn't park my car there this afternoon but walked through the lot and saw a small child of about 3 years old, merrily throwing rocks at the parked cars, denting their doors. Its parents were aware of the activity and each time a rock hit a car, they laughed uproariously...
Merriment Cape style.
I didn't park my car there this afternoon but walked through the lot and saw a small child of about 3 years old, merrily throwing rocks at the parked cars, denting their doors. Its parents were aware of the activity and each time a rock hit a car, they laughed uproariously...
Merriment Cape style.