Yesterday afternoon, I wanted to fit a micro USB receiver to use with a spare wireless Logitech mouse. The desk I use for my computer stuff originally came from Innovation I think. It is basically a thing made from thick epoxy coated coated tube and its top is adjustable for angle adjustment. The far end of the desk has bent and rounded 'legs'. I have used this desk for many years without toppling the thing over until yesterday afternoon...
The desk's top has on it telephone directories, a 47cm flatscreen monitor, a flatbed scanner, my handsfree phone, a USB soundcard and a heavy glass ashtray and my brandnew largish HP all-in-one copier.
So dufus goes underneath the desk to insert the micro USB thingy into the cameras' DVR and after some contortions, I lightly touched one of the desk's legs and the whole lot toppled over :headbanger: cig ash and toppies all over the place so after crawling out from under the debris on the floor which was my computer setup, I patched-up my bloody hand and knee and...reached for a cold Windhoek and layed down for a few minutes, contemplating how much my computer gear was going to cost to replace :'(
Everything was re-installed as how they were and the only 'victim' was my almost new 47cm Samsung flat screen computer monitor which I replaced with a 19" LG this morning (at double the price I paid for the Samsung). The Samsung monitor @ 6 months old had no external damage, cracked screen or scuff marks at all but only showed a white screen when plugged in.
Lesson: Stuffit - you're too old and decrepit to crawl under desks these days.
The desk's top has on it telephone directories, a 47cm flatscreen monitor, a flatbed scanner, my handsfree phone, a USB soundcard and a heavy glass ashtray and my brandnew largish HP all-in-one copier.
So dufus goes underneath the desk to insert the micro USB thingy into the cameras' DVR and after some contortions, I lightly touched one of the desk's legs and the whole lot toppled over :headbanger: cig ash and toppies all over the place so after crawling out from under the debris on the floor which was my computer setup, I patched-up my bloody hand and knee and...reached for a cold Windhoek and layed down for a few minutes, contemplating how much my computer gear was going to cost to replace :'(
Everything was re-installed as how they were and the only 'victim' was my almost new 47cm Samsung flat screen computer monitor which I replaced with a 19" LG this morning (at double the price I paid for the Samsung). The Samsung monitor @ 6 months old had no external damage, cracked screen or scuff marks at all but only showed a white screen when plugged in.
Lesson: Stuffit - you're too old and decrepit to crawl under desks these days.