This accident could've seriously been avoided if the people in power just close the road to trucks. It's an absolute death trap. This is the 3rd truck accident this year that I know of. The two previous incidents a horse and trailer had lost control and it's load going down field's hill and another horse and trailer went through the center guardrails and fell into the on coming traffic lane.
I saw the video and I know that intersection very well because I used to come home that way. Luckily we have moved offices and I know longer go that way. On a Friday that intersection is gridlocked. If people in cars have a hard time going up and down that hill then trucks definitely shouldn't be using it .,d.ZG4
I saw the video and I know that intersection very well because I used to come home that way. Luckily we have moved offices and I know longer go that way. On a Friday that intersection is gridlocked. If people in cars have a hard time going up and down that hill then trucks definitely shouldn't be using it .,d.ZG4