I bought this cd about a year ago and listened to it once. I was disappointed with the sound as it sounded as if there was some "white noise" added to the recording.
Tried it again last night using my new CDP and I then realised that the "white noise" was actually part of the music. I can't properly describe it, but there are parts where it sounds if as percussion is played using drumsticks and brushes simultaneously. On other tracks there are combinations of accoustic guitar and "fuzz boxes".
The end result is a very good album, but you can easily mistake parts of music as noise if your setup is not up to scratch. I cannot properly describe the sound without sounding like so many "Hi Fi" reviewers using words such as "multi-layered sound", etc ;D
Tried it again last night using my new CDP and I then realised that the "white noise" was actually part of the music. I can't properly describe it, but there are parts where it sounds if as percussion is played using drumsticks and brushes simultaneously. On other tracks there are combinations of accoustic guitar and "fuzz boxes".
The end result is a very good album, but you can easily mistake parts of music as noise if your setup is not up to scratch. I cannot properly describe the sound without sounding like so many "Hi Fi" reviewers using words such as "multi-layered sound", etc ;D