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R.I.P. 23 June 2023
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
I have a simple pay R350 per day policy with this Company. If you can call them that

I have had the policy for 12 years and have made one claim in all those years for a 8 day stay.
Total =  R2,800

I went in to Hospital for a detached Retina a three day stay  Total = R1050.

After 4 months and jumping through Hoops, 4 visits to their offices; 40km there and back, filling out form after form; different story every time.  Many phone calls, calls never returned BTW.  And spending the whole morning at the JHB General waiting for a doctor to sign a form and getting it stamped.

They now inform me that the claim has been rejected due to the fact that an eye operation is excluded.
Asked if I bit my Tongue would  I be covered?  Yes says the individual on the other end of the Line.  Talk about a bunch of Muppets.
I see out of all Insurance Companies AIG ranks the highest in consumer dissatisfaction.

This has cost me much more in time Petrol and hassle than it is worth I give up they win they can Shove the lousy R1050.  Why make me jump through all the Hoops that is what makes me cross more than anything.

Stay away from them and their products if you are with them read all the fine print they are very crafty.
They did not give a hoot about me as a client the service and reply's were the stuff you get from a call center.
Plus when I told them to cancel the Policy I got another 1000 words in defense and a STFU attitude.
Not interested I told Her, just cancel the policy please,  get in reply a string of Yes Buts and then she tells me I will have to phone another Dept to cancel as she cant transfer me.

How I kept My cool is beyond me.

Remember these Crooks took billions of tax payers money in the Bail out of 2008.
If ever a Company deserved to fail it is    :flame:    AIG.