I'm looking for a 6 or 9 meter aluminium pole.
6 meter I can get for just under R400, but that might be too short, So i would rather opt for a 9 meter, nad mount it lower if needed, than to buy the 6 meter, say oops, then buy the 9 meter.
So: where can I get a 9 meter 70mm pole from?
Galvanized pipe might also work, but the extra weight might mean stronger brackets, en better lightning planning.
6 meter I can get for just under R400, but that might be too short, So i would rather opt for a 9 meter, nad mount it lower if needed, than to buy the 6 meter, say oops, then buy the 9 meter.
So: where can I get a 9 meter 70mm pole from?
Galvanized pipe might also work, but the extra weight might mean stronger brackets, en better lightning planning.