Anyone had experience with a good 45 SET ?


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AVForums Grandmaster
Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
Jhb Alberton
Hi all...
Anyone here can tell me more about a 45 SET amp like the JEFF KORNEFF or the original RCA types
I like what I am reading about these ...

Let's assume suitable HE speakers is at hand ...

So I have currently the 300b PP DIY and the Isis KT88 , both keepers for me , but I still itch for a 45...don't even ask why cause I dumno.

Are good 45's expensive to build ? And can it be done locally( like a Mars class) or does one just shop and buy a Sophia or a KORNEFF if you have the bucs ...

I found this post elsewhere asking a similar question ...

" Intend on getting something like a James OPTs, but need to really establish which design to use. So what do you think? This:

...or this:

plus a brief description on why you would choose one over the other if you wouldn't mind.... feel free to suggest other SETs. I've listened to many tube amps in the past, this is just my first SET so any advise appreciated. Thanks,"
