Appeasing your other half (wife / girlfriend etc)


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AVForums Super Veteran
Nov 22, 2012
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Cape Town. South Africa
Having browsed around, I was struck by how many members were trying to sneak new equipment into the house or wondering what sort of reception a new acquisition would receive from their other half.  You need to remember that woman are all about the aesthetics of a room.  In the event you do not have a dedicated listening room (as is the case for most), you need to acquire or build a suitable shelving cabinet to neatly house your equipment.  A smoked glass door, or clear glass to which you affix an opaque adhesive film to give a sandblasted glass look, should go a long way to appeasing your other half.

The other problem may be a lack of understanding regarding your obsession.  Now... everyone loves music.  So, find out what your other half's favourite piece of music is and set up a listening session where you play that piece of music on a crappy or portable system and then immediately thereafter on your primo system.  Allow her to experience the difference for herself and unless she is tone-deaf and cannot tell the difference, you should have won her over to our side.  The only downside is that you may just create another audio monster who will hog the sweetspot (your favourite seat) in the room.  On the upside, you may just reap unrelated and very welcome benefits.  :clap: :clap:
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