Right, before I buy every crappy turntable in the country could the vinyl oracles please dispense with some sage advice? Like my cars, I buy things that look nice, probably why I have owned every lemon made (still looking for a Detomaso Pantera). To me this AR looks nice so needless to say I'm worried. The good news is that after putting on the hard-ish belt it actually turns but even if it is switched off the motor feels like a hungry fox terrier outside a chicken coop, it sort of vibrates like it wants to start but its off! When I put it on it sounds like the platter is scraping against the plinth, except its not, grrrr-uip, grrrr-uip, grrrr-uip is the best I can describe it as. Arm is a Linn Basik Plus (their spelling not mine) designed by Linn products LTD so due to its age I'm guessing its pre-chinese probably yanks or japs. An Ortofon 310 finishes off the pointy part. Plinth could do with some furniture oil but looks to be in good nick and headshell sans major blemishes. Sounds better than my CEC if that says anything. So my question, what should I offer for it if anything at all or will it end in tears (mine)?