Armature Winder from Hell - Mods, please delete my post


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AVForums Grandmaster
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Cape Town
I recently posted contact details of a bloke who rewinds armatures.

I gave him my workshop compressor motor to repair its burned motor. The compressor was bought new and has seen regular daily usage for at least 15 years so I guess it was time for a repair.

Anyway, after receiving the compressor motor back from the rewinder, it repeatedly tripped the mains and obviously had a dead short somewhere. It has now been back and forth to the rewinder 4 or 5 times and the problem remains.

I can't fault the appearance of the stator's rewound coils but the leadout wires look a mess and these I tidied up and made them electrically safe.

This morning, I returned the compressor to the rewinder and stood by for a short while while he opened the motor again and quite frankly, I was shocked to see what he had done to the armature  - filing its circumference by hand to prevent it from touching the surrounding coils...

The few times I had contact with armature rewinders, I always noticed they had lathes to scim and clean up armatures and their copper commutator segments.

Since starting this post, I have phoned him again and offered to true the armature for him on my lathe but my concerns and offer to true the armature between centres on my lathe was declined. For the first time during this saga, he also mentioned that the armature shaft was bent, as another motivation for filing it by hand - something I find very hard to believe. A more likely scenario would have been that the bearings were worn.

As I don't know what I finally will get back once the job is finished, I cannot recommend this person's services and ask the mods to please delete my post with the rewinder's contact details here;u=572;area=showposts;start=30

In a way, I feel empathy for the bloke as he works under difficult circumstances but I wouldn't like other forum users to end up with the same experience I'm having now.



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