I lost my wallet in February and cancelled all my cards. My cellphone account goes off my credit card via debit order and I forgot to notify Autopage of the account number having been changed. MY MISTAKE
I received an SMS from Autopage on 4 March stating that the debit order did not go through at the end of February and requesting payment. I went to their closest branch that same day and requested my latest account.
By this time, the invoice to be paid by the end of March had already been generated and this was the one they gave me. I paid the entire outstanding amount in full that same day and changed my debit order details.
Today they tried to put the debit order for an outstanding amount - which did not reflect as outstanding on the account they gave me on 4 March - through on my old credit card details and not the new details I submitted on 4 March. THEIR MISTAKE
I have now been cut off. BECAUSE OF THEIR MISTAKE
My cellphone is vital to me seeing as I am out of the office most of the day.
I've sent them a rather nasty e-mail threatening all sorts of things if they add the R49 reconnection fee to my next invoice.
I received an SMS from Autopage on 4 March stating that the debit order did not go through at the end of February and requesting payment. I went to their closest branch that same day and requested my latest account.
By this time, the invoice to be paid by the end of March had already been generated and this was the one they gave me. I paid the entire outstanding amount in full that same day and changed my debit order details.
Today they tried to put the debit order for an outstanding amount - which did not reflect as outstanding on the account they gave me on 4 March - through on my old credit card details and not the new details I submitted on 4 March. THEIR MISTAKE
I have now been cut off. BECAUSE OF THEIR MISTAKE
My cellphone is vital to me seeing as I am out of the office most of the day.
I've sent them a rather nasty e-mail threatening all sorts of things if they add the R49 reconnection fee to my next invoice.