AV Receiver that will output component from HDMI input


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New member
Dec 15, 2011
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Hi all, noob question regarding my setup.

I have 2 HD LCD TV's, one in the bedroom (imho, no good for a relationship to have a TV in the bedroom, but that discussion is for another time,  ;) ) and one in the lounge. In the 2nd lounge is all my source stuff (HTPC, DVD, DSTV) hooked up to a SD projector with a Sansui stereo amp. Everything is running on composite atm :-[ . I want to buy a new AV receiver to hook up the HTPC, DVD and DSTV via HDMI and run the 2 TV's off the receivers component output and stereo sound. The run to the bedroom and lounge is 35m and 15m, hence thinking that component run over 75ohm coax will be cheaper than hdmi cables and the component splitters are much cheaper than the hdmi splitters as well. The projector also has composite or component inputs, so will run that off component as well.

Will I get full HD or 720p video at least on the LCD's with component cables and what AV receiver will allow HDMI input to be output via component? I suck at the google thing and can't seem to find any receivers that allow this  :p

Please help, I would really like to get a clearer image on the LCD TV's!