I don't know if anyone else agrees with me, but the "reviews" in AVSA just seem to me to be a rehash of the manufacturer's brochure, with just one or two paragraphs at the end trying to give the reader some idea of what the particular piece of equipment sounds like. And of course the review is always couched in glowing terms usually ending with the reviewer saying its the best he has heard so far. The reader doesn't want three quarters of a "review" devoted to describing the features of the item being reviewed, but would much rather like to know what it sounds like. I am sure everybody is aware that in this country, it is extremely difficult to compare various different pieces of equipment at one dealership as most dealerships are also the distributors of a particular brand and mainly only stock that particular brand, whether its electronics or speakers, so comparative listening is severely restricted. This is where a proper review would greatly assist especially if one is looking to purchase equipment.