Backup / Mirror 40TB Storage Pool Folder


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AVForums Veteran
Dec 29, 2009
Reaction score
Cape Town
Hello All,

Looking for some input regarding my home setup

Primary Server
Win 7 x64
Flexraid RAID-F Storage Pool (No Raid) 40TB

Backup Server
Win 7 x64
Flexraid tRaid 40TB ( *** Currently in Storage Pool only - adding parity drives + landing disk after data copy ***)

Historically I used Total Cmd to Sync and Copy but it is too manual and time intensive.
On Sunday I installed Crashplan on both servers and kicked off a backup.
I only have about 30TB worth of data on the primary server but Crashplan is currently estimating about 30-40 days to complete over a Gigabit network.
The other problem I have with Crashplan is, if the Primary server fails I cannot use the Backup to watch media straight away. Would have to do a restore first.
I really like that feature in my current manual setup.

I have decided I need to rather look at some folder/file mirror sync solution to keep the two storage pools identical and at the same time available/readable/usable.
I will only run the sync (manually) over the weekends so do not need real time or scheduling as the backup server is switched off 99% of the time.

Found a website with some options -
Anyone familiar and can recommended any of those or maybe something like DirSync Pro.

I am adding a second NIC to the one server and will connect the two servers back to back so I can enable jumbo frames on that link.
Hoping that might help speed things up.

Any comments or suggestions?
