Bailey Preamp / Power amp MK3 (kit) - Hart Electronics


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AVForums Super Veteran
Staff member
Dec 30, 2014
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I have aquired a Bailey stereo preamp/power amp kit, its the Mk3, and its an incomplete build, with some of the paperwork/schematics. It looks like the switch selector board which also has the RIAA circuit on it is missing...and it seems that there was an attempt to build that on veroboard....not sure if anything else is missing, but it has the amp boards, heatsinks with Motorola power outputs (J481/491 and a 2n3055 TO3 devices), both mono preamp boards are present, a power supply board, but no transformer. Paperwork details "Assembly of the STC (SA) Modular Sound System One High Fidelity Amplifier" ...about 20 pages of information/ chassis construction etc. There are two chassis, one for the power amp and preamp boards, then another with tone controls. Some nice vintage bits,  Bulgin female power connector, a few Din females, old Philips type speaker female connectors etc...looks like it was a late 60's or early 70's build attempt.

Any advice on this please, the preamp boards are silkscreened as Hart Electronics Bailey Preamp Mkiii, and possibly a John L. Hood design. Is this worth the time/effort to get working ?

Mods...pls feel free to move this to DIY, I didnt know where to post this as it is wrt vintage gear, hence chosen location.
